Have your clients seeking job search assistance ever shared concerns about how employers will judge their age, gender, body type, ethnicity, race, ability or hair? Has a client ever displayed...
I recently had the opportunity to attend the International Centre for Career Development and Public Policy (ICCDPP) Symposium on Career Development and Public Policy in Norway. A total of 33...
This spring, we invited you, our readers, to share your opinions and observations about the CareerWise website and CareerWise Weekly newsletter as part of our continued commitment to meeting your...
Career professionals are career advocates. We believe in the power of career development. We educate clients about what’s happening in the labour market. But what about our own professional development?...
I had the pleasure of joining York University’s Career Centre last summer with the exciting task of developing and launching a new career peer-education program. The program is part of ...
When finishing my university degree, like many other students, I was faced with the dreadful question: “So, what do you want to do after you graduate?” While the question was...
Every day we get closer to a world without resumes and interviews, where your next job is only an introduction or conversation away. As coaches, we often ask our clients,...
Careers are developed with a lot of uncertainty. Today’s technological shifts make it even harder to predict future work life and the consequences of personal decisions in careers. However, risk-taking...
Today’s workplace is not what your grandparents or parents experienced. This new reality brings with it many challenges. Learning to think fast and think slow. Tolerating ambiguity while searching for...
I sat across from the candidate – let’s call her Reta. Reta was well-dressed, prompt and made eye contact. On paper, she was perfect for the role. There were many...