Check out these webinars – as well as a couple of virtual conferences – taking place in August, covering a wide array of topics including designing online counselling courses, high-tech...
Career professionals have a broad range of tools for success when working with mature clients who have been in full-time management or administrative roles for 10+ years with the same...
I get it. I really do. Only one person gets the job, and there are hundreds of applicants. So naturally, the first thing jobseekers do is ask themselves how they...
As a teacher in the Workplace Preparation Program (WPP) at Mohawk College in Hamilton, ON, I understand the concern my student professionals feel about job searching in the age of...
Executive job search process is a challenging process and requires a strategic approach. These resources, including blogs, books and job search sites, can help career professionals support executive clients. Blogs...
Let’s move the course online. How many times have you heard that? Prior to COVID-19, online course development was a bit taboo – moving courses online required time and planning....
Case managers and counsellors might take a quick health and safety check with jobseekers. Robbin suggested asking if they know how the coronavirus is transmitted, recognize common symptoms and understand...
This article covers webinars and conferences for career professionals in July 2020. Connect with thought leaders and brush up on your skills from the comfort of home as we continue...
Ok, let’s start off with some self-disclosure (which by the way, if used strategically, can be a great way to establish rapport). Yes, I have coached a client in my pyjamas – more than once....
Over the past week, thousands of people have come together in protests across Canada – from Kitchener, ON to Calgary, from Halifax to Vancouver – in solidarity with massive U.S. demonstrations prompted by the killing of George...