Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like they are sometimes spinning out of control? Sure, we keep up a good front, but inside we sift through our...
The question feared by most interviewees is the weakness question. They are afraid of being asked “What is your greatest weakness?” because they don’t know what to say or what...
These webinars, taking place in September, covering a range of topics including motivational interviewing, self-care and career launch in a pandemic. Related to professional development, you may also be interested...
Several years ago, I had resigned from my full-time job, recognizing that it was time to move in a new direction. I immersed myself in a variety of career assessments,...
“You must find a way to get in the way, and get into good trouble, necessary trouble” – Congressman and civil rights leader John Lewis (1940 - 2020) The time...
Career development does not take place in a vacuum. An individual’s ability to pursue work that meets their needs and that they find fulfilling is affected by intersecting issues such...
Online career counselling has become the new normal and may continue to be a key part of services going forward. Career professionals can add different perspectives and approaches to develop...
Over the past few months, many of us have experienced significant change. This ever-evolving yet constant state is compounded by a steep learning curve while we adjust to working remotely...
During the pandemic, many career practitioners have been asked to provide the same services to groups, but online. This has been the new normal for all career professionals and jobseekers,...
This review was originally published in the Australian Centre for Career Education’s CEAV E-Journal in spring 2020. With Strengthening Mental Health Through Career Effective Development, authors Dave Redekopp and Michael...