These books – some published earlier in 2019 and others due out in the coming weeks – cover an array of topics related to work, from artificial intelligence to gender...
What do you do to calm down before a job interview? Some candidates call their loved ones for emotional support, others rehearse practiced answers, some fidget – the list goes...
Labour market information (LMI) is any information related to employment and the workforce. Whether it’s demographic statistics, industry trends, wage data or any of the wealth of employment information that...
Curl up with a textbook (or a laptop) this fall and meet your professional goals with these courses for career professionals. Multiple courses – Career Professionals of Canada CPC is...
Professional athletes devote decades of their lives to sport. But no matter how much time they have invested, retirement from an athletic career is inevitable. Prior to pursuing graduate studies...
We all want to deliver excellent service, but measuring the outcome of individual sessions is not easy. Many of us rely on our own intuition and experience to judge the...
Have your clients seeking job search assistance ever shared concerns about how employers will judge their age, gender, body type, ethnicity, race, ability or hair? Has a client ever displayed...
Nothing sweetens the end of summer quite like the beginning of conference season. There are many opportunities for learning and networking for people with interests in career development at conferences...
Career professionals are career advocates. We believe in the power of career development. We educate clients about what’s happening in the labour market. But what about our own professional development?...
While qualitative assessments can serve as fun and interesting activities, they should still be held to the same standards as their quantitative counterparts....