Jason Carreiro and Sonam Wangmo

Jason Carreiro and Sonam Wangmo

Jason M. Carreiro, PhD, is an educator, facilitator and researcher with 21 years of experience in the fields of education, culture and employment. He is currently based in Vancouver, BC. | Sonam Wangmo is a career development professional with a background in education and teaching. She is currently based out of Toronto, ON. Sonam is passionate about developing and delivering career programs and services that hold humans at its core and are inclusive/ responsive to diverse cultures.
Group of people watching woman present in office

Capitalist language in career services harms practitioners and participants

As career development professionals, we find the language commonly used in employment services highly technical, exclusionary and dehumanizing. Buzzwords such as "networking,” “sales pitch,” "marketing,” "personal branding,” “selling yourself,” etc.,...