Clubhouse. It’s the new kid on the block. The audio-only platform allows participants to listen and engage in live talks, virtual events, classes and panel discussions. It feels like an...
Do you want to pay yourself a consistent salary? Have money set aside for your business taxes every year? Stop running your business on credit? Pay off debt? Start saving?...
We are in a constant state of career development. Sometimes this is at a subconscious level – i.e. not knowing that our action or inaction is affecting our career; other...
Many people assume, especially these days, that the people I work with as a career professional are unemployed and seeking help to get back into the labour market as soon...
2020 was one of the most trying years across the world in more than 100 years. The COVID-19 pandemic forced many businesses to get very creative. Many “non-essential” businesses had...
In recent years, the Canadian labour market has been defined by technological change and disruption, creating the need for employees to consistently upgrade their skills. The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting...
We’re living in uncertain times, making it especially challenging to plan for the next year — never mind the next decade — and anticipate new career opportunities. Canada’s economy was...
Seventy-one percent of millennials who are likely to leave an organization within two years are unhappy with the professional development opportunities (or lack thereof) from their employers. While this data...
As the video format keeps winning more and more viewers’ hearts, creating videos is only getting more intimidating. YouTube and other online platforms have been spoiling us with high-production-value videos...
As career development practitioners, part of our work is guiding our clients and students to communicate their best selves to prospective employers through their targeted job application documents and interviews....