In March 2020, the world changed and university career centres quickly moved our operations fully online. We found ways to continue to support students and connect them with employers by...
What do you think of when you hear the term thought leadership? It’s a phrase that gets tossed around a lot these days and the misconceptions around it are holding...
The Canadian government has pledged to welcome 400,000+ new immigrants over the next three years, beginning in 2021, and is on track to achieve this goal. This policy is essential...
Skills frameworks are not static. They are updated with new research or when the creators of the framework are trying to move in a new direction. Employment and Social Development...
This past year has been challenging for many reasons, not only on a global level, but within our own local and national communities. Although we may have had no control...
When immigrants come to Canada, they bring education, skills and, many of them, years of work in their profession. However, their lack of Canadian credentials and work experience makes it...
The “linear career path myth” goes something like this: our careers are straight and clear paths that we identify in high school, but only begin once we start a post-secondary...
In the hundreds of career conversations I’ve had with students and alumni, networking has emerged as a major challenge. As a first-generation university student, I can relate. Even if I...
While supporting jobseekers as career development practitioners, counsellors or coaches, we often carry the unrealistic burden of knowing everything about everything. Those we work with look to us for guidance...