Imagine this: You head into your job more than ready to secure the leadership position you have been preparing for. Two days later, your boss calls you into the office...
Connecting with and learning from others is a key aspect of professional development. With the year coming to an end and a new one just around the corner, here are...
Rapid advancements in artificial intelligence are impacting the labour market. While everyone has an opinion on its use and prevalence, having knowledge of AI tools for career guidance can help...
In the ever-shifting landscape of the job market, the rapid adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) has been nothing short of revolutionary. As career coaches, we’ve witnessed firsthand how these advanced...
Have you ever daydreamed about having an assistant to take on administrative work, so you could focus on your clients and developing innovative programs to support them? You’re probably not...
You have likely heard the phrase, “Artificial intelligence won’t replace you, but those who use it will replace those who don’t.” This comes from a Stanford and MIT study that...
The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence has increased the breadth of platforms available to help jobseekers. Here are resources to help career professionals use AI to support clients preparing for...
From my desk in the corporate HR department of an energy generation company, the backdrop was consistent day in and day out – same city view, same cubicle walls, same...
“The basic knowledge and skills that we all need to help us read the 21st-century work environment.” – CareerVision “Providing students with the capacity to make informed decisions about choosing...
I regularly review new and existing literature from various disciplines such psychology, philosophy and neuroscience to further my study of career counselling. During one of my recent dives into the...