I graduated with a BASc in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Waterloo in 1981. Women made up less than 10% of that class and one of them was Anne...
What is the value of a university degree? It’s a big question with far-reaching ramifications, and one with which university career centres grapple with constantly. In fact, as a department...
Motherhood and career are often viewed as mutually exclusive. You have to pick between your career and your child. For young mothers, the choice is even more pressing. Many don’t...
Imagine it is December 20, 2020. You sit down and evaluate the informal or formal learning you have done over the past year. Writing out a list of sessions you...
While thinking about what to expect in the Canadian labour market in 2020, I can’t help but start by reflecting on what transpired this past year and what might change....
Whether or not you or your clients celebrate Christmas, there are a few lessons we can take from this holiday to help clients establish a strong foundation for their career...
Michelle Precourt and Wayne Pagani will be presenting at CERIC's Cannexus20 National Career Development Conference on “Yoga & You: Elevate Yourself and Your Clients.” They will share insights on how...
The year is 2031. Children who started kindergarten in 2019 are now graduating from high school. They are entering a new world and preparing for jobs we can only imagine...
A CareerWise “In The Know” report for career professionals working with ex-offenders caught my eye and I wanted to share one of Saskatchewan’s projects that is having great success. The...
As a recent grad, I reflect on my post-secondary and employment journey often. The truth is, I didn’t always know I would be working in the non-profit sector. That’s because...