Cannexus21 was the first-ever virtually held Cannexus conference, but it was also the first time that our team of career counsellors was able to attend all at once, because of...
Ever work with a client and become frustrated when it appears they are not progressing? Are you baffled when you have worked extensively with a client on their job search...
Change is rarely easy, and careers are full of change. Motivational interviewing is an evidence-based method of communication that can help individuals not only feel open to change, but feel...
What a week it's been – and what a conference! Over the two weeks of CERIC's first-ever virtual Cannexus21 conference, it was clear attendees were as eager and excited as...
The contagious energy of Cannexus21 was palpable as the conference got under way this week, bubbling up in platform chats, networking sessions, Q&As and on social media. Although some shared...
Single-parent professionals come in different shapes and sizes. There are different sub-groups of single parents that are working professionals, including: Working professionals who become single parents due to a marital/relationship...
These webinars, taking place in February, cover a range of topics including mindfulness, unconscious bias, job development and motivational interviewing. Resumes & Profiles for the COVID Era: Gaps, Gigs &...
This article was selected as the winning entry for the BCCDA’s Canada Career Month essay writing competition in November 2020 on the topic of “The Importance of Career Development in...
“No individual may have it within his or her power to overcome or expunge the malaises or misfortunes of society. But everyone has something important to contribute to the whole,...