Many of us can identify with the questions students are asked when they graduate from high school. Family, teachers and peers ask, “What are you going to do next? An...
In a global village and marketplace, international experience can be one element that gives our students a hiring advantage. As a means of promoting both personal and professional development, overseas...
Each week, CERIC is on the lookout for the latest reports related to career development. Here are four that we found interesting this week: Number of international students on the...
Each week, CERIC is on the lookout for the latest reports related to career development. Here are three that we found interesting this week: Labour Market Experiences of First Nations...
The Careers Leader Handbook by David Andrews and Tristram Hooley provides a practical summary to use when developing a career program at your school or in your organization. The Handbook...
These associations offer resources, professional development and networking opportunities for people working in education and career-related learning, from those advocating for adult learners to work-integrated learning proponents. They are open...
Career services in Canadian colleges support students in managing and taking responsibility for their career paths. They also support academics in helping students apply the value of their academic experiences...
Many people who live on the autism spectrum are under- or unemployed, but with some support, this differently talented group can offer a lot to the workforce. The prevalence of...
As universities recruit greater numbers of international students and governments seek to retain them as skilled workers, researchers have started to again investigate their integration experiences. A gap in the...
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” It is one of those questions that has been asked countless times since we were little. In today’s rapidly changing...