Imagine it is December 20, 2020. You sit down and evaluate the informal or formal learning you have done over the past year. Writing out a list of sessions you...
While thinking about what to expect in the Canadian labour market in 2020, I can’t help but start by reflecting on what transpired this past year and what might change....
Whether or not you or your clients celebrate Christmas, there are a few lessons we can take from this holiday to help clients establish a strong foundation for their career...
Michelle Precourt and Wayne Pagani will be presenting at CERIC's Cannexus20 National Career Development Conference on “Yoga & You: Elevate Yourself and Your Clients.” They will share insights on how...
The year is 2031. Children who started kindergarten in 2019 are now graduating from high school. They are entering a new world and preparing for jobs we can only imagine...
A CareerWise “In The Know” report for career professionals working with ex-offenders caught my eye and I wanted to share one of Saskatchewan’s projects that is having great success. The...
As a recent grad, I reflect on my post-secondary and employment journey often. The truth is, I didn’t always know I would be working in the non-profit sector. That’s because...
In 2017, Alberta Workforce Essential Skills Society (AWES) pitched a concept to the Government of Alberta to train career development practitioners to integrate the essential skills into their services. Through...
While I was the President of CEWIL (Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning) Canada this past summer, I was extremely honoured to be one of the first signatories to a first-of-its-kind...
Climbing the career ladder has never fit with how I see my work life. I don't lack motivation or the desire to succeed. Rather, I pioneer and innovate. I need...