There are many reasons why a student may be interested in a part-time or summer job – such as the chance to earn their own money, develop new or existing...
What was it like being a graduating high school student during the pandemic? How did it effect planning for the future? In this Careering article, Ontario student Ailie Crosbie shares...
Carlene was a student in my Grade 12 English class in 2010. She was a strong student with good marks and intended to go into nursing. I thought she might...
When someone says they’re taking a gap year, the typical image conjured may be backpacking through Europe. Another popular reaction may be to panic and worry that a gap year...
Throughout North America, school and guidance counsellors have been essential professional resources in helping students cope with the many issues that they face. These issues often take the form of...
Almost every job application starts with the same thing: a resume. This is a candidate’s ticket to persuading an employer that they’re the right person for that job. For high...
Do your students need some good news? Here you go: Grade 12 is a student’s best opportunity for scholarships. There will never be another time in their lives where there are...
Trusted and longstanding partnerships go a long way to creating and sustaining programming. At the Ottawa Network for Education, our unique model for engaging our public school boards has been...
My dad was a pipefitter. (A fitter-welder if we’re getting technical). While I didn’t know exactly what that meant when I was a kid, he did tell me stories from...
With nearly 70% of students being affected by the COVID-19 crisis worldwide, education looks very different than it did at the beginning of 2020. In Canada alone, over 6.6 million...