Micro-credentials are short, educational courses that are designed to equip participants with knowledge and skills that can prepare them to take on new job opportunities. Over the past year, micro-credentials...
As career development professionals, we find the language commonly used in employment services highly technical, exclusionary and dehumanizing. Buzzwords such as "networking,” “sales pitch,” "marketing,” "personal branding,” “selling yourself,” etc.,...
There is a growing demand for employers to demonstrate their values and ensure that their employees do the same. Savvy employers know that technical skills can be trained but alignment...
Desperate Canadian employers dangle signing bonuses to lure in workers, Canada’s skills-development system should be evidence-based, Canada’s international students are becoming less diverse. Here’s why Ottawa says that’s a problem,...
CareerWise is always on the lookout for the latest reports related to career development. Here are three reports that we found interesting this week. The changing sociodemographic characteristics of international...
While conference season tends to pause over the summer, there are still many learning opportunities for career professionals and the people they support throughout July and August. These webinars cover...
Levels of job satisfaction can be found in the difference between what individuals expect and what they experience at work. When people experience job satisfaction, they have higher levels of...
The 50-year-old intern: Mid-life Canadians are not just changing jobs — they're beginning again, Student career aspirations in the face of COVID-19, Your guide to navigating a career transition in...