CareerWise is always on the lookout for the latest reports related to career development. Here are three reports that we found interesting this week.
Skills Training That Works: Lessons from Demand-Driven Approaches (IRPP)
This study examines two training models that have been adopted widely in the United States and have been shown to significantly improve outcomes for participants. It finds that publicly funded skills training can be effective, despite common perceptions to the contrary, as long as it’s aligned with employers’ needs.
Women @ Work: A global outlook (Deloitte)
Heightened workloads and household responsibilities during the COVID-19 pandemic are driving deep dissatisfaction among many women in the workforce, according to a new Deloitte Global report. The report finds 51% of those surveyed are less optimistic about their career prospects today.
Scaling up policies that connect people with jobs in the recovery from COVID-19 (OECD)
This policy brief highlights how OECD and a number of other countries have responded to the crisis in adapting and expanding the provision of employment services.