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Dear career professional: A self-care letter from your subconscious

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Michelle Precourt and Wayne Pagani will be presenting at CERIC’s Cannexus20 National Career Development Conference on “Yoga & You: Elevate Yourself and Your Clients.” They will share insights on how yogic principles can benefit both the career development practitioner and their clients. This is a sample of the self-care approach they will take at Cannexus20.

My dear career development practitioner,

It’s me, your unconscious mind. I want to thank you for the dedication to your vocation. Your hard work has not gone unnoticed. Time after time, you have created unique, targeted resumes that not only attract the eyes of recruiters and hiring managers but also build confidence in your jobseeking clients. Your clients leave feeling refreshed and excited about their next career step.

Your interview preparation workshop grooms those who work with you to become more confident and articulate speakers. Your clients understand their professional brand. Clarity in their career story becomes apparent.

This is amazing work! You should be proud. The time and energy you exert is honourable. I know you do not do this work for these accolades; you just want the best for your clients. I see the long hours you work – the evenings and sometimes weekends. Your dedication makes me smile, but can I be honest? I am worried for you. You give a lot of yourself to your clients. I see how you hold space for each one of them. You listen to their personal stories with purpose. This purpose is your driving force. You work so hard to ensure your client is confident about their career path. You help them see their talents and expertise the way you see them – as skills needed in today’s workforce. This is no easy task. I wonder though, is this sustainable? The amount that you give, is this good for you in the long term?

You advocate for your clients. Now, it’s time to turn the tables and let me advocate for you. I want you to continue this work that you so love for as long as you choose. Allow me to take you on a self-care journey. I won’t take too much of your time, but just enough to help you feel refreshed and rejuvenated, just like your clients.

“Your dedication makes me smile, but can I be honest? I am worried for you.”

What I am about to suggest requires two things: practice and focus. I know you can do this. Let’s begin right now. Wherever you are, pause and notice your breath. Just notice it. Where do you feel your breath the most? In your nostrils? Maybe your chest or belly? Wherever you notice it, allow your attention to linger there. Continue to breathe. Continue to notice. Continue to feel. If thoughts pop into your mind, let them go for three more breaths. Now, how do you feel? My hope is that you feel a little lighter. A little more relaxed.

This small pause is so good for you. We live in a doing society and that is not going to change, nor am I suggesting we need to change this. Doing pays the bills, creates our sense of community and can feel good, but it is also taxing. We need to counter the doing and shift that to feeling. When you pause and breathe, you provide an opportunity to feel. Feeling then allows you to take any other self-care action you may need. Giving yourself what you need is important so that you can continue to be of service to your clients.

I hope you’ll continue to notice your breath every day. You could do this as soon as you wake up in the morning but before getting out of bed. Notice your breath. Take three breaths just like we just did together. I know this is not your normal routine. It does require focus and you’ll need to practice. I’d also ask that you do this breath exercise before you start your next client call. Take this time for yourself. I know how much you give to others, but this is for you, so that you can continue to give. I love watching you work with your clients. As I said, it makes me smile. Continue to notice your breath every day. This is a simple exercise but not always easy. You might forget but I’ll remind you from time to time. I am here for you, as is your breath, always.

Love, your unconscious mind.

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Michelle Precourt of Mindful HR Services Inc., is an HR Consultant and Workplace Mindfulness Facilitator based in Squamish, British Columbia. Michelle believes that “your best self is your relaxed self” and offers mindfulness techniques driving employee engagement, increased productivity and workplace success.
Michelle Precourt of Mindful HR Services Inc., is an HR Consultant and Workplace Mindfulness Facilitator based in Squamish, British Columbia. Michelle believes that “your best self is your relaxed self” and offers mindfulness techniques driving employee engagement, increased productivity and workplace success.