Each week, CERIC is on the lookout for the latest reports related to career development. Here are four that we found interesting this week:
Number of international students on the rise (Statistics Canada)
This StatsCan Daily report examines Canadian post-secondary enrolments and graduates (2016-17). It observes that the number of international students enrolled in Canadian post-secondary institutions has been on the rise for two decades, with their numbers increasing at a higher rate than that of Canadian students in recent years.
IMD World Talent Ranking 2018
Canada was the only non-European nation to crack the top 10 in this year’s World Talent Ranking, which assesses the extent to which countries develop, attract and retain talent. Switzerland led the pack.
Military (ADF) Spouse Employment & Career Development (The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust of Australia)
Evidence suggests that because of their unique military lifestyle, the employment and career development of military spouses is compromised and marked by unacceptable levels of unemployment, underemployment and career discontent. This report examines how different countries, including Canada, address this.
On Test: Skills, Summary of Findings from HEQCO’s Skills Assessment Pilot Studies (Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario)
One of the first major attempts to measure employment-related skills in university and college students on a large scale shows that students are experiencing some gains in literacy, numeracy and critical-thinking scores over the course of their undergraduate studies. Yet, one in four graduating students scored below adequate in measures of literacy or numeracy, and less than a third scored at superior levels.
Did we miss something? Leave a comment below or send us a note at careerwise@ceric.ca if you have information that can help make our article even better.