One aspect working in career development I love is the opportunity it provides to build hope. In my experience working primarily with university students, there have always been opportunities to...
Whether it’s to nourish a love of learning or gain much-needed skills for an ever-changing labour market, many counsellors have clients who are interested in going to school. Prices for...
Success in career development relies on a strong sense of self and the ability to see one’s identity change through the process. Career development assumes that there is a starting...
I have a secret. By day, I help people with their career goals. By night, however, I transform into a spandex-wearing, salsa-dancing superhero. That's right, fellow career professionals, I'm a...
Career practitioners, their clients and all Canadians need access to timely, accurate and relevant labour market information (LMI). Yet, studies consistently show that good LMI is hard to find and,...
Networking and human interactions are the cornerstone of success in anything that we do in life – nobody is a success on their own. The best time to tune up...
SCENE: In a campus career centre, a stressed student meets with a career coach. STUDENT: I’m having a lot of trouble with my resume. COACH: What seems to be the...
People often ask me, how did you go from being a documentary producer to working as a career counsellor? To answer that, I have to go back to when I...
As career practitioners, we’re on the front lines of labour market changes. With the world of work shifting around us, we need to continually grow our own skills and competencies...