Spencer Niles

Spencer Niles

Spencer Niles is the Dean and Professor for the School of Education at the College of William & Mary. Previously, he served as Distinguished Professor and Department Head at the Pennsylvania State University. Additionally, Niles has directed a career counselling centre for adults, worked as a career counsellor in higher education, maintained a private practice focusing on career counselling, and served as a career counsellor for middle school and high school students. He has taught in 27 countries, has 130 publications related to career practice, and is the recipient of many awards from the American Counseling Association and the National Career Development Association, where he is currently President.
female teaching working with young student
Tips & Training

How can we build careers grounded in authenticity?

Today’s workplace is not what your grandparents or parents experienced. This new reality brings with it many challenges. Learning to think fast and think slow. Tolerating ambiguity while searching for...