Fanie Zis

Fanie Zis

Fanie Zis, PCC, CCDP, CWS, CES, CCS. Coming from a background in Psychology, Counselling, and Career Development, Fanie is a Professional Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation (ICF), a Certified Career Development Practitioner with the BCCDA and a Certified Grief Educator. Fanie works as a Life Smart Coach for EFAP program through Homewood Health in the areas of career coaching, career counselling, grief and loss, relationship, family and elder support, stress management and pre-retirement planning. Fanie also works as a freelance Life and Career Coach, supporting clients in grief and loss, personal and professional development and other challenges depending on their situation and life goals.
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Tips & Training

6 steps to building trust, intimacy and rapport in telecounselling

Ok, let’s start off with some self-disclosure (which by the way, if used strategically, can be a great way to establish rapport).  Yes, I have coached a client in my pyjamas – more than once....
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