CERIC is a charitable organization that advances education, research and advocacy in career counselling and development, in order to increase the economic and social well-being of people in Canada.
Jobseeking can be difficult in the best of circumstances. Browsing through postings, hoping to see a position that will not only meet your financial needs but also allow you to...
CERIC has published a new edition of its popular Retain and Gain Playbook that addresses the challenges faced by charities and non-profits in attracting, retaining and engaging staff. The bilingual publication enhances...
The preliminary programme for the Cannexus19 National Career Development Conference is now available online. Canada’s largest bilingual career development conference, Cannexus19 takes place January 28-30, 2019 in Ottawa and is expected to bring together...
Nearly four in 10 older entrepreneurs face gaps in the support they need to launch or develop their businesses, according to a new CERIC-funded study on The Status of Senior Entrepreneurship...
Digital technologies are transforming the way we live and work. The potential of our emerging digital economy presents a lot of opportunities as well as challenges. CERIC’s latest literature search Digital...
The transformation to a gig economy is well underway with an increasing number of short-term positions and self-employed individuals. Are we prepared for a future of freelance work? CERIC’s latest...
Career development is important for newcomers and refugees in integrating into a new society and achieving economic well-being. However, making a successful transition is a challenging process. CERIC new literature...
Career assessment helps individuals identify their abilities and interests as part of the career exploration and planning process. They are also important tools for organizations in selection, development and management...
The world around us is changing fast than ever, implying that we all need to continue to grow and develop in our careers or risk being left behind. This requires...
Findings of a CERIC-funded research project have identified employer bias regarding veteran working style and point the way for how career professionals can best support veterans in making the transition from military...