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Tips & Training

Canadian certificate programs for career development professionals

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Want to become a career development practitioner? Already working in the field, and want to upgrade your skills? Certificate programs are available at post-secondary institutions and through career development organizations across the country.

Note: This article does not include master of counselling programs, which might include a career counselling element, or French-language programs. It is also not comprehensive of all training opportunities available to CDPs outside of certificate programs, which may contribute to certification through national or provincial bodies. For more information on certification, visit the Career Development Professional Centre website, which indicates that “Canada’s National Career Development Certification (NCDC) program for CDPs is ready to launch in 2024.” Think we’re missing something? Email

University of Calgary – Certificate in Adult Learning specializing in Career and Academic Advising

The specialization in Career and Academic Advising is intended for individuals working in career development with career, employment, or immigration agencies, as well as advisors in academic secondary or post-secondary institutions. Students must choose one of four specializations: Adult and Community Education, Career and Academic Advising, e-Learning or Workplace Learning. Students will choose optional courses to complete the 300-hour requirement. This certificate program is delivered online.

University of Calgary – Certificate in Career Development and Academic Advising 

This 200-hour, online certificate is intended for practitioners working with career, employment or immigration agencies, and academic/student services staff in secondary or post-secondary institutions. Students will gain theoretical foundations, as well as communication and helping skills to facilitate, motivate and work successfully with a diverse population. This certificate program is delivered online.

British Columbia
Douglas College – Career Development Practice Certificate Program 

This part-time program is available entirely online in an asynchronous learning format. Program admission is available throughout the year, and you may start the program at any time, with any course. The Ethics and Theories courses in the CDP program meet the minimum education requirements for certification as a Certified Career Development Professional by the BC Career Development Association.

Langara College – Career Development Professional

This full-time, in-class intensive program focuses on employment services with nine courses about career development theories, career planning, job search and development, social media, and grant and proposal writing skills. Program content is based on the Canadian Standards and Guidelines for Career Development Practitioners. Students will complete a two-week workplace practicum.

Life Strategies – Career Management Professional Program (CMPP)

This online program is designed to meet the professional development needs of career/employment counsellors, career practitioners, human resource management professionals, counsellors, rehabilitation professionals and practitioners in related fields. Courses are aligned to the newly revised Canadian Competency Framework for Career Development Professionals and can be combined for a full certificate specialization.

Simon Fraser University – Career Development Practitioner Certificate: Employment Services

This 14-week, intensive program equips learners with the skills needed to work as a career development practitioner, career coach, employment counsellor or vocational consultant. It is a full-time program and is held online, with a three-week practicum based in B.C. The 10 required courses include “Career Development Theories and Code of Ethics,” “Job Development and Diverse Groups” and “Employment and Job Search Skills.”

Winnipeg Transition Centre – Career/Employment Coach Certificate (CECC)

CECC is a joint program between the Winnipeg Transition Centre (WTC) and the University of Winnipeg Professional, Applied & Continuing Education. The CECC Program comprises four two-day workshops: Career Planning Coach, Resume Development Coach, Interview Skills Coach and Job Search Coach. Workshop participants can expect intensive, hands-on training that will build and enhance their ability to assist unemployed individuals.

Nova Scotia
NSCDA – Certified Career Development Practitioner

The Nova Scotia Career Development Association website notes the following as of March 2024: “The Career Certification website is in development. It will be the new home for the National Career Development Certification (NCDC) program. The NCDC will be the assessment agency for individuals seeking to obtain their CCDP® designation.”

Conestoga College – Career Development Professional

This one-year certificate program provides training to enter and/or advance in the field of career development for professionals such as career and employment advisors, career resource specialists, job developers or career management professionals. This online program is also available part-time. Graduation from the program provides the full academic component and partial fulfillment of work experience hours for certification by the Career Development Practitioners’ Certification Board of Ontario (CDPCBO).

Fanshawe College – Career Development Practitioner

This part-time graduate program, delivered fully online, exposes students to individual and group career counselling theory through academic study and supervised mentorship. Participants will learn the skills to counsel others on career planning, career change, career revision and school-to-work transition. Students must complete a minimum of nine credits.

George Brown College – Career Development Practitioner Program

This one-year graduate certificate program certificate program will prepare participants to provide guidance related to career exploration, skill acquisition, and job search and maintenance to a variety of clients. Graduates of the program will have completed the two mandatory courses (Ethics and Career Development Theory) for certification by CDPCBO as a Certified Career Development Practitioner (CCDP) as well as almost 300 hours of field education.

Mohawk College – Career Consultant Certificate

This program will interest individuals with experience in career development who wish to enhance their skills, and those in human service areas wishing to add these competencies to their employment profile. Those working in education, human resources, social services, career information centres, recruitment firms, employment agencies, rehabilitation and multicultural settings may find this program valuable. Continuing Education students usually complete this program in two to four years.

ONECA – Native Counsellor Training Program (NCTP)

The Ontario Native Education Counselling Association’s NCTP is currently being offered online. Graduates obtain a certificate in Counselling granted by the Ministry of Education. Programs of study include Indigenous Issues, School and Career Guidance, Counselling Practicum and Theory, Sociology of Native People, Information Process/Career Planning, Field Placement and Education Systems in Ontario.

Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue – Certificate in Employability and Career Development in Indigenous Context

The certificate in employability and career development in Indigenous context will meet the professional and personal needs of participants by allowing them to develop knowledge related to employability, career development, helping relationship in a job counselling context and ethics in an Indigenous context. This program was not accepting applicants at the time of publication.

CACEE – Career Educator Certificate Program & Early Career Recruiter Certificate

Based on the information available on the CACEE website, it is unclear if these certificate programs are still available. It is recommended that those interested reach out to the organization for additional information.

Career Professionals of Canada – Certification Program for Canadian Career Practitioners

CPC offers five distinct certifications with two levels. These certifications are professional credentials that validate and recognize the expertise of practitioners supporting clients in Canada:

CASE – Multiple programs

The Canadian Association for Supported Employment five certificate programs that may be of interest to career development professionals or those looking to enter the field of career development.

Did we miss something? Leave a comment below or send us a note at if you have information that can help make our article even better. Read more about Uptown Aces here.

Lindsay Purchase Administrator
Lindsay Purchase is the Editor of CERIC’s CareerWise website and CareerWise Weekly newsletter. She has a background in journalism, having worked previously as a digital editor and reporter. Lindsay is a graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University’s Global Studies program and Toronto Metropolitan University’s Food Security certificate program.
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Lindsay Purchase Administrator
Lindsay Purchase is the Editor of CERIC’s CareerWise website and CareerWise Weekly newsletter. She has a background in journalism, having worked previously as a digital editor and reporter. Lindsay is a graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University’s Global Studies program and Toronto Metropolitan University’s Food Security certificate program.
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