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Tips & Training

April 2023 webinars for career professionals

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The following webinars, taking place in April and hosted by a variety of organizations, will examine topics including RIASEC Theory, green skill development, disability accommodations and career pivots. This article also includes some other training opportunities and virtual meetups.

Looking for more learning opportunities? Don’t miss our spring conferences roundup, with upcoming events for April through June.

Don’t miss your chance to register for CERIC’s upcoming May webinar series: Antisemitism Uncovered: How to Support Career Development Practitioners to Have an Inclusive Practice (May 1, 8 & 15); The CDP’s Roadmap to Effectively Supporting Neurodiverse Clients (May 3, 10 & 17); and Trauma-Informed Career Development: How to Establish Trauma-Wise Spaces in Your Practice (May 11, 18 & 25).

How Coaching Can Accelerate Development of Women Leaders (Brandon Hall Group)

April 5

This webinar will explore how coaching addresses the systemic barriers that have historically limited women’s abilities to advance in the corporate world. Participants will learn about how coaching can give women tools to become more proactive in seeking opportunities to develop and grow by developing their executive presence, influence and network; their political skills; and their management of upward relationships.

Let’s Talk Procurement: WorkBC 2.0 for Unsuccessful Bidders (ASPECT BC)

April 5

This session is for organizations that pursued the last WorkBC contract and did not qualify, chose not to pursue after qualifying or were not successful. It will look at the WorkBC procurement model specifically for those seeking a prime contract and record attendees’ experience with the process to inform future procurement models.

RIASEC Theory & the SDS: Career Development Resources for the 21st Century (CICA)

April 5

This webinar will describe how Holland’s RIASEC theory can help inform and structure cost-effective and comprehensive career interventions for a diverse clientele across varied settings. The presentation will focus on the Self-Directed Search and related materials/booklets.

How to ensure education is relevant for all in a fast-changing world (OECD)

April 5

Join an expert panel to learn how policymakers can anticipate future skill requirements and reshape teaching and learning to ensure all students are better prepared to flourish and succeed. The discussion will build on the findings of the OECD’s Education Policy Outlook 2022: Transforming Pathways for Lifelong Learners.

Let’s Talk About Your Favourite Career Assessments (OACM) 

April 6

In this member call, participants will have the opportunity to share their favourites free and paid career assessments and learn about new opportunities for clients.

How High Achievers Overcome Their Anxiety (HBR)

April 11

A surprising number of extremely successful people are wracked with anxiety. This webinar will discuss:

  • How to recognize and avoid common thought traps and triggers
  • Confronting your own bad habits and unhealthy coping mechanisms
  • How to resist perfectionism, manage social anxiety and set boundaries
  • How to model healthy behaviour for others in your organization
Valuing multilingualism in the workplace (Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion)

April 11

In our globalized world, people speaking a variety of languages interact every day, including in the workplace. This webinar will explore multilingualism, the opportunities it represents and what we can do to navigate challenges that it brings.

Best Practices in Case Notes Documentation (BCCDA)

April 12

Writing accurate notes and keeping records of all activities related to clients is mandatory in most client-centred services. This webinar will be an opportunity to share best practices used in writing case notes. Participants should come prepared to share how they keep accurate records in client case notes that comply with policies and protocols.

From Brittle to Nimble: How to Lead Organizations and People with Resilience (Charity Village)

April 13

Many non-profit employees are deeply connected with their work. This determination helps people commit to their work even as they experience obstacles but can also create burnout. This evidence-based session explores the psychological needs of purpose-driven employees and the success factors of resilient organizations, while offering practical tips and strategies that non-profit leaders can adopt right away.

Enabling Green Skill Development in the Journey to Net Zero (CACEE & RBC Future Launch)

April 19

This webinar will provide valuable insights into the future of skills and the importance of green skill development as Canada looks to successfully transition to Net Zero. CACEE will dive into green skill learning opportunities available for students, new grads and early career talent via the LinkedIn learning platform.

Successful Mentoring Program Expansion: Breaking the Mold (MENTOR National)

April 20

This workshop focuses on strategies for program expansion while dealing with the repercussions of the pandemic. How can organizations deal with dwindling numbers of mentees, mentors and staff due to pandemic-related hesitations, burnout and other stressors while maintaining or even expanding their level of services?

Accommodating Illness & Disabilities in the Workplace (NSCDA)

April 20

Participants will gain an understanding of how to accommodate illness and disability in the workplace, and what their legal rights and obligations are under the human rights act. Participants will leave with a basic understanding of addressing these issues when they arise.

How Trauma Impacts Career Development & Work Life (Trauma Research Foundation)

April 24

This presentation sheds light on the myriad of ways in which trauma exposure can and does impede the creation of a sustainable work life. It will examine how traumatic exposure infiltrates every aspect of the job search process and relationships at work, and how it can impede a person’s ability to grow professionally.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Helping Our Clients to Understand & Navigate DEI in the Workplace (CDAA)

April 26

CDPs have a significant role to play in influencing positive diversity and inclusion in the workplace, as they often sit between employers and the student/jobseeker/employee.

This webinar will explore what businesses are doing today to improve DEI and consider some of the ways we can include DEI in our practices.

CDAA is also hosting a webinar on “ChatGPT – What is it and What Does it Mean?” on April 27.

Embracing Career Pivots from a Pandemic into an Endemic (MACD)

April 28

The pandemic has brought many changes in people’s lifestyle and work. During this three-hour interactive workshop, we will discuss three ways to help participants embrace career pivots and discuss various resources and strategies to help participants make career pivots:

  • Skills assessments
  • Education vs. training
  • A change in industries​
Career Development Practice: Building a New Era (The Career Development Professional Centre)

Multiple dates

Throughout Spring 2023, the Career Development Professional Centre is offering training on the fundamental principles of what it means to work within career and employment services, regardless of work setting, job title, geographic region or groups served. A reimagined career development process, better aligned with the realities of today’s labour market, will serve as an essential framework to foster a common language and understanding of the full scope of our practice. A variety of start dates for this training are available regionally.

Lindsay Purchase Administrator
Lindsay Purchase is the Editor of CERIC’s CareerWise website and CareerWise Weekly newsletter. She has a background in journalism, having worked previously as a digital editor and reporter. Lindsay is a graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University’s Global Studies program and Toronto Metropolitan University’s Food Security certificate program.
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Lindsay Purchase Administrator
Lindsay Purchase is the Editor of CERIC’s CareerWise website and CareerWise Weekly newsletter. She has a background in journalism, having worked previously as a digital editor and reporter. Lindsay is a graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University’s Global Studies program and Toronto Metropolitan University’s Food Security certificate program.
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