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Tips & Training

February 2023 webinars for career professionals

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The following webinars, taking place in February and hosted by a variety of organizations, will examine topics including green careers, remote career coaching and anti-Black racism.

Did we miss something? Leave a note in the comments or email careerwise@ceric.ca if there’s a webinar you think we should include.

Career Development Professionals, Your Clients Need You Well (MACD)

Feb. 1

This three-hour workshop is designed to help career development professionals improve their own mental health and well-being in the context of the changing, post-COVID world of work. It will include a mix of psychoeducation, discussions in groups of various sizes and experiential learning.

Green Careers and Sustainability (CICA)

Feb. 1, 8, 15 & 22

CICA holding four webinars for International Green Careers and Sustainability Month in February 2023:

  • Green guidance. Sustainability moves from the periphery to center
  • Sustainability: What does it have to do with career development?
  • Skills for greener economies and societies – the potential of apprentices
  • Decent work, sustainable livelihoods and well-being
Serving Diverse Populations: DEI and Career Counseling (NCDA)

Feb. 7

This panel discussion will touch on topics including academic probation, sense of belonging, school climate, COVID-19 and the achievement gap/narrowing. This session will focus on what it means to take a more inclusive approach to career counselling with diverse undergraduate student populations.

Remote Career Coaching: A Facilitated Discussion (APCDA)

Feb. 9

During the pandemic, most career professionals were forced into remote coaching/counselling, and discovered that online meetings allow for greater efficiency. Rich Feller will lead this discussion on the strengths and weaknesses of this type of technology in career coaching/counselling.

Black History Month: Unlearning anti-Black racism (Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion)

Feb. 9

The conversation around anti-Black racism has mostly focused on strategies for eliminating racism within organizations and communal settings. However, tools and strategies can only go so far when we have been socially conditioned into anti-Blackness. This webinar will explore how we can unlearn internalized anti-Black racism.

The Effects of Trauma on Students’ Learning Capacity (CCPA)

Feb. 2, 9, 16 & 23

This webinar will explore:

  • The basics of the neurobiology of trauma
  • The causes and effects of trauma
  • The power of mirror neurons and attachment in the classroom
  • The concept of emotional tolerance and reframing traumatic events
  • Peripheral nervous system emotional regulation and cognitive-behavioural strategies
Building Brighter Futures – A Practical Toolkit (CDAA)

Feb. 20

This webinar is particularly targeted at practitioners working with adults. It provides an opportunity for a “review and refresh” for experienced practitioners and practical tools based on solid career development theory for newer practitioners.

Three Things Every Leader Should Know: Practical Insights to Overcome the Covid Retention Crisis (Charity Village)

Feb. 23

Based on extensive research, Allen Leigh has identified three accelerators that top talent are looking for to stay engaged and grow – and the results might surprise you. This webinar will explore the current trends in recruitment and retention from a real-life lens and offer some practical tips and tools for leaders.

Employment Readiness Scale – Client Orientation and Set Up Webinar (ERSI)

Feb. 23

This webinar:

  • Demonstrates how to set up and code clients
  • Explains how to orient clients and administer the ERS to them
  • Explores options for remote service
Elevating the Quality of Work for Everyone (Future Skills Centre)

Feb. 28

Low wages, benefits, health and safety, autonomy, voice, security, flexible work, and other factors that have disproportionately affected underserved and marginalized populations can be improved to help employers with the challenge of recruiting, retaining, and growing workers. This virtual event will feature interactive plenary discussions and deep-dive case studies with speakers from various industries, sectors, and geographies who are working to elevate quality of work.

Lindsay Purchase Administrator
Lindsay Purchase is the Editor of CERIC’s CareerWise website and CareerWise Weekly newsletter. She has a background in journalism, having worked previously as a digital editor and reporter. Lindsay is a graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University’s Global Studies program and Toronto Metropolitan University’s Food Security certificate program.
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Lindsay Purchase Administrator
Lindsay Purchase is the Editor of CERIC’s CareerWise website and CareerWise Weekly newsletter. She has a background in journalism, having worked previously as a digital editor and reporter. Lindsay is a graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University’s Global Studies program and Toronto Metropolitan University’s Food Security certificate program.
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