Man sits in a wheelchair at his desk.
He On the desk is a laptop. A man works as a freelancer with the help of the Internet.
Tips & Training

Courses for career professionals in winter 2023

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Step into the new year with new skills or brush up on the knowledge you already have. Here are some courses on offer for winter 2023.

Did we miss something? Comment below or email if you know of a course you think should be included on this list.

Career Professionals of Canada

CPC is offering the following courses this winter:

Ethics and Theories for Individuals (BCCDA)

BCCDA Ethics and Theories courses will provide you with essential foundations needed by career development practitioners working in a wide range of contexts. Review and learn to apply traditional, contemporary and emerging career development theories. The courses are offered multiple days in March.

Life Strategies

These Life Strategies courses can contribute toward certification in their Career Management Professional Program:

MBTI® Certification Program (Psychometrics)

This four-day program prepares participants to successfully administer and interpret the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. It includes video conference sessions, group activities as well as self-directed learning assignments. Topics include improving team performance; developing leaders; managing conflict; improving communication; handling stress; and guiding career exploration. (Jan. 30-Feb. 2 and March 20-23)


OneLifeTools has this on offer:

Ontario School Counsellors’ Association (OSCA)

The OSCA will offer Additional Qualification (AQ) courses in Guidance and Career Education Parts I, II and Specialist (Part III). (Jan. 16-March 3)

  • AQ Parts 1 & 2: This online, interactive course is user friendly and allows real-time practice of the skills needed for the effective counsellor.
  • AQ Part 3: This course is focused on the counsellor as a school leader and agent of change within the educational environment.
Personality Dimensions Levels I and II

Personality Dimensions Level I allows participants to become familiar with the Personality Dimensions model, resources and delivery expectations; develop strategies and applications applicable to a variety of settings; and enhance their facilitation skills. It will be available online multiple dates between Jan. 17 and March 31.

Personality Dimensions Level II is being offered online Jan. 23-27, Feb. 6-17 and March 6-31.

Katrina Rozal Author
Katrina Rozal is a Communication Specialist. She has 10 years of combined experience in producing content for Canadian news media and the British non-profit sector.
Katrina Rozal Author
Katrina Rozal is a Communication Specialist. She has 10 years of combined experience in producing content for Canadian news media and the British non-profit sector.
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