Awards that recognize excellence in the career development field

Awards that recognize excellence in the career development field

Reading Time: 3 minutes

There are countless people in the career development field in Canada – from guidance counsellors, to career counsellors, to career centre leaders – who do incredible work and show immense dedication every day. While the following awards (domestic only) may only recognize a fraction of that work, they aim to highlight excellence in the field.

Career Development Practitioner Achievement Award – New Brunswick Career Development Association (NBCDA)

This annual award is designed to recognize an individual who has demonstrated commitment to one or more of the following elements: The advancement of career development through research, theory, practice or leadership; innovation and creativity in program development or service delivery; role-modelling leadership and vision within the organization and/or career development community; ongoing professional development and learning; or representing the optimal model of a caring person and professional whose knowledge, skills and talents are valued by clients and colleagues.

Career Development Top Achievement Awards – BC Career Development Association (BCCDA)

The BCCDA recognizes people in several categories in its annual awards, including Emerging Career Practitioner of the Year, Career Development Practitioner of the Year and Career Development Agency of the Year.

Career Professionals of Canada (CPC) Awards of Excellence

Active members of CPC are eligible to strive for its Awards of Excellence in many categories, including Outstanding Career Leader, Outstanding Employment Interview Strategist and Outstanding Resume – Career Change.

CASE Awards (Canadian Association for Supported Employment)

Winners are announced at the CASE conference. Awards include the Wiltshire Award of Excellence in Supported Employment, the Mark Wafer Award for Business Excellence and the Phillip Emmerson Award for Employment Excellence.

Dr. Graham Branton Research Award – Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning Canada (CEWIL)

The Research Award recognizes significant contributions by CEWIL Canada members to scholarly research in co-operative education and aims to encourage such research.

 Etta St. John Wileman Award for Outstanding Achievement in Career Development – CERIC

This award for outstanding achievement in career development is designed to recognize and celebrate individuals who have made a significant impact in enhancing the field of career development, regardless of role or position within an organization. The award is named for Etta St. John Wileman, who was a champion and crusader of career, work and workplace development in Canada. It is presented at the Cannexus National Career Development Conference on a less-than-annual basis.

2023 update: CERIC is accepting nominations for this award until Sept. 15, 2023

Multiple awards – Canadian Association of Career Educators and Employers (CACEE)

Awards are presented every year at CACEE’S National Conference. These include: the Excellence in Innovation Award, the Award of Merit (Moe Ktytor Award) and the Rob Shea Research Award, for significant research in the areas of career practice and school-to-work transition.

Multiple awards – Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA)

CCPA and its chapters recognize the professional contributions of Canadians in the field of counselling/psychotherapy by offering a number of different awards, including the biennial Counsellor Practitioner Award and the CCPA Counsellor Leadership Award.

The application deadline for most awards is Dec. 1 of every year.

Multiple awards – Manitoba School Counsellors’ Association (MSCA)

Awards include the R.J. Cochrane Award, which is awarded periodically in recognition of exceptional commitment, leadership and initiative in counselling, as well as the Margaret Woods Award For Outstanding Achievement.

Multiple awards – Ontario School Counsellors’ Association (OSCA)

Each year, OSCA recognizes individuals and/or organizations who have made a significant contribution to guidance and career education in Ontario. Awards include: the Elmer Huff Award for Guidance and Career Education Resources, the Howard R. Beattie Award for Contribution to Counsellor Professional Development and the Marion Axford Award for Elementary Guidance.

Stu Conger Award for Leadership – Canadian Career Development Foundation (CCDF)

CCDF awards the Stu Conger Award for Leadership to individuals nominated by peers for leadership contributions to the field. The award is named for the first Executive Director of CCDF. In addition to the award, a scholarship is granted to an individual, chosen by the recipient, who demonstrates leadership potential.

VRA Canada Fellowship Award

This is a distinction reserved for a select group of members whose accomplishments in the field of vocational rehabilitation are deemed fitting of this prestigious award. Nominations are accepted and reviewed by the Board of Directors.

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Lindsay Purchase Administrator
Lindsay Purchase is the Editor of CERIC’s CareerWise website and CareerWise Weekly newsletter. She has a background in journalism, having worked previously as a digital editor and reporter. Lindsay is a graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University’s Global Studies program and Toronto Metropolitan University’s Food Security certificate program.
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Lindsay Purchase Administrator
Lindsay Purchase is the Editor of CERIC’s CareerWise website and CareerWise Weekly newsletter. She has a background in journalism, having worked previously as a digital editor and reporter. Lindsay is a graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University’s Global Studies program and Toronto Metropolitan University’s Food Security certificate program.
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