Returning to work after a maternity or parental leave, or an extended leave to raise their children, can be challenging for parents. Their job or organization may have shifted in...
Single-parent professionals come in different shapes and sizes. There are different sub-groups of single parents that are working professionals, including: Working professionals who become single parents due to a marital/relationship...
Motherhood and career are often viewed as mutually exclusive. You have to pick between your career and your child. For young mothers, the choice is even more pressing. Many don’t...
The return-to-work transition from maternity leave can be a stressful one. Adjusting to a new routine of drop-offs at childcare, commuting, settling back into a work environment and the emotional...
Each week, CERIC is on the lookout for the latest reports related to career development. Here are five that we found interesting this week: Turn and Face the Strange: Changes...