Michael J. Stebleton and Mark Franklin

Michael J. Stebleton and Mark Franklin

Michael J. Stebleton, PhD (steb0004@umn.edu) is associate professor of Higher Education in the College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, USA. His research and teaching interests focus on college student success and career development with an emphasis on the undergraduate student experience. Stebleton is a recipient of the 2017 National Career Development Association Merit Award. Mark Franklin, MEd, PEng, CMF, (mark@careercycles.com) is practice leader of CareerCycles.com, co-founder of OneLifeTools.com and lecturer at University of Toronto. Franklin was the recipient of the 2015 Stu Conger Leadership Award for Career Development in Canada, and presents and trains worldwide. He developed the OneLifeTools/CareerCycles narrative method of practice and co-authored the Who You Are Matters! game, drawing on transferable systems-thinking and design skills from his first career in engineering.
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