Katrina Rozal is a Communication Specialist. She has 10 years of combined experience in producing content for Canadian news media and the British non-profit sector.
According to a 2024 Statistics Canada report, as of 2021, women held 30.8% of senior management positions and 42.7% of middle management roles. In honour of International Women’s Day, here...
Just as spring brings growth, building connections while learning from others is essential for professional development. These conferences offer career professionals the opportunity to network with peers, exchange knowledge and...
People living in rural and remote communities face unique challenges in their career development, from limited access to resources and funding, to shifting economic conditions. Here are resources to help...
These February webinars cover topics including neurodiversity, ethical counselling, career development, upskilling, diversity in higher education, emotional well-being and AI's impact on careers. Autism at Work: Promoting and Supporting Greater Workforce...
Portfolio careerists hold a combination of full-time or part-time work, self-employment, freelance jobs, board positions or other projects. They leverage a diverse skillset to work in various industries. This non-traditional...
Reflection is a vital part of setting career goals. This practice is valuable for career professionals reflecting on their own careers, and for practitioners supporting their clients or students. In...
Labour market experts predict that flexible work, compensation packages, the growing impact of technological advancements and evolving economic conditions will affect recruitment and workplace trends in 2025. 2025 Hiring Trends...
The Government of Canada recently introduced changes to international student permit applications, study permits and pathways to permanent residency after graduation. For 2024, the intake cap on international student applications...
Having clear career goals helps ensure actions taken today lead to fulfilling career development. Here are some resources for creating strategic career plans with purpose and intention. 7 Tools to...
The year ahead offers excellent opportunities to refine and expand your skills and knowledge of the career profession. Here are courses and workshops, available from December to March, which cover...