Jeremy Strachan

Jeremy Strachan

Jeremy Strachan, PhD, is a Senior Research Associate in Education & Skills at the Conference Board of Canada. He currently hosts and produces the Future Skills Podcast on behalf of the Future Skills Centre. Prior to joining the Conference Board in 2023, Jeremy taught at Carleton and the University of Ottawa. From 2019-2021 he was a Banting Postdoctoral Fellow at Queen’s, and held previous postdoctoral appointments at the University of Montreal and Cornell.
Tony Bonen and Tricia Williams speak on stage during a panel discussion at CERIC's Cannexus conference.
Research & TrendsWorkplace

Harnessing labour market information for a changing workforce 

The world of work is evolving rapidly, shaped by technological advancements, economic shifts and changing workforce demands. In an era of uncertainty, understanding labour market information (LMI) is more important...