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CareerWise is always on the lookout for the latest reports related to career development. Here are several reports that we found interesting this week.
Skills and Productivity: Which Skills Shortages Are Impacting Canadian Productivity? (Conference Board and Future Skills Centre)
Imbalances between the skills that employers demand and the skills of an economy’s workforce, including skills shortages or mismatches, affect firms’ performance and the wider economy. This report examines the intersectionality of skills shortage and how this can affect an employee’s ability to perform their jobs.
The state of youth employment in Canada (LMIC)
In 2024, youth employment reached its lowest level since February 2012, barring the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic. This report focuses on labour market outcomes for young people, exploring several of the systemic challenges and barriers that some Canadian youth face.
Tracking the green transition in labour markets (CEDEFOP)
This policy brief demonstrates the potential of using big data analysis of online job advertisements in the context of green transition. It presents illustrative examples of the impact of greening in sectors and occupations, and showcases how big data can be leveraged to facilitate the transition.