Businesswoman performing breathing exercises on bench outside
Tips & Training

Self-care: 5 concrete ways to take better care of yourself

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Self-care. It is something we all hear about, and we are constantly reminded of how good it is for us. Self-care is also a practice that many people struggle to fit into their daily lives. However, the advantages of caring for yourself and integrating time into your schedule for self-care can make a phenomenal difference in how you feel and the outlook you have on life.

So, what is self-care?

Self-care is something we do for ourselves that is aimed at consistently improving our well-being while removing things from our lives that do not benefit us. Taking part in self-care is important to maintaining a healthy relationship with yourself and those around you. It can provide clarity, rest and time for you to fulfill an aspect of your life that you have been wanting to improve on.

There are misconceptions about self-care. Some individuals may feel that self-care is selfish, that it can be expensive or they may not even know how to practise self-care. When starting a self-care routine, it is important to understand what you want to accomplish and take part in activities that fill you up. It is also important to ensure that you are not just committing to self-care activities for the sake of it, but exploring, trying out, and then choosing activities and routines that make you feel good.

How to make self-care happen with a full schedule

So, you have done the research, you know you are in dire need of some “me” time but are not sure where to start. Self-care routines and practices are different for everyone. What might work for one person might not work for another. And that is okay! What is important is that you try different activities and determine what works best for you.

Let’s look at some things to try to make self-care happen in your life.

Routine planning and execution – Establishing a functional routine for your morning and/or evening is a good place to start. It can be as simple as committing to being in bed with a cup of tea and a book by 9 p.m. or waking up at a decent time to fit a few extra things into your morning before everyone else wakes up. A routine will give you some time to incorporate small practices into your life that you might not have time for in the day. Even just giving yourself an extra 15 minutes in the morning and at night can be effective.

Practise gratitude – Start small. Grab a notebook, write down the date and simply write out three things that you are grateful for every morning. This can be a quick reflection exercise that you can incorporate into your morning, to take a few minutes and think about what you are thankful for. Practising gratitude has been proven to improve a person’s overall positive thinking over time.

Simple exercise – Integrating a 10-minute workout into your day can help to just get your body moving. YouTube has lots of great options to choose from. Even doing something like yoga for 10 minutes in the morning can get your body stretched out and can help to reduce stress.

Learning when to say no – As professionals, we all want to be seen as dependable and collaborative. But it can get to a point where if you say yes too much, you end up with more projects on your plate than you can manage. Doing too many things at once can often be counter-productive; when you have too many things on the go, you might not do as well as when you focus on just a small number of projects. If you have a tough time saying no in the beginning, try suggesting another person to connect with who might be interested in the project. Delegate tasks when you begin to feel overwhelmed.

Taking time off – As professionals, we all need time off to relax and recharge. You must schedule time off to take care of yourself. Scheduling a vacation, or even just a couple of days off away from technology, can make a big difference in mental clarity and stability. If you have a busy schedule that is full of upcoming events, try to schedule days off ahead of time and let others on your team know that you will be taking time off to lessen the impact of your work on those days off. Not scheduling regular time off in your calendar can lead to burnout and exhaustion.

As career professionals, we are consistently on the lookout to ensure that others are succeeding in their careers and meeting their personal goals and development. To be our best selves and effectively help our clients, we need to practise self-care. Caring for ourselves, scheduling regular time off and ensuring that we rest when we need to are important.

Jennifer Bouley is a career development professional who has over 10 years of experience working with newcomers, recent graduates and entry-level professionals in all aspects of career management. She has also worked in recruitment at both the agency and corporate levels. Loving all things career-related, she can often be found helping others with their career planning. Other than her career, she loves cats, yoga and writing.
Jennifer Bouley is a career development professional who has over 10 years of experience working with newcomers, recent graduates and entry-level professionals in all aspects of career management. She has also worked in recruitment at both the agency and corporate levels. Loving all things career-related, she can often be found helping others with their career planning. Other than her career, she loves cats, yoga and writing.
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