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Just as spring brings growth, building connections while learning from others is essential for professional development. These conferences offer career professionals the opportunity to network with peers, exchange knowledge and gain valuable insights for the future.
2025 CCDI UnConference (Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion)
March 5-6 | Virtual
Fostering belonging through an intersectional framework can strengthen the very fabric of diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA) initiatives across Canadian workplaces. Weaving belonging throughout DEIA means prioritizing human-centered approaches to ensure meaningful and ethical outcomes for all people.
Better Workplace Conference 2025 (The Conference Board of Canada)
March 18-20 | Virtual
The 28th annual Better Workplace Conference will address emerging workplace challenges, such as polarization and technology-induced burnout, and explore how to meet the diverse needs and requirements of today’s workforce.
The Forum (NAWB)
March 29-April 1 | Washington, DC
Learn directly from the nation’s most informed experts about workforce policy, initiatives and trends. This year’s annual conference will explore areas such as hands-on applications of AI, advancing equity, skills-based hiring and federal policy updates.
Future of Work (M-Media Events)
April 1-2 | Toronto
Dive into two days of thought-provoking sessions with top-tier experts in HR, talent management, learning and development, employee engagement, people and culture, internal communications, organizational development and digital workplace. These Canada-based leaders will share best practices and cutting-edge strategies.
uLead: The Summit of Educational Leadership (Canadian Association of Principals)
April 6-8 | Banff, AB
This three-day event will gather school-based leaders, district-level leaders, provincial education leaders and education luminaries from across the world. Through empowering conversations, this conference aims to shape the future of education and pave the way for transformative leadership in schools and systems.
2025 Symposium (Career Thought Leaders)
April 6-9 | Baltimore, MD
With the brightest minds in career coaching, resume writing and career services from universities, government agencies and private practice, the symposium delves into trends and emerging practices in career development, practical technology solutions for career professionals, innovative approaches to client services, and strategic insights into both current demands and future directions of the industry.
Contact Conference (Saskatoon Industry Education Council)
April 9-10 | Saskatoon
With a gathering of over 250 professionals, Contact serves as a unique platform that unites individuals from the fields of education, workforce and economic development. It is an incredible opportunity to delve into the latest labour market trends, discover best practices for engagement and foster a deeper understanding of the practices that will shape the future of Saskatchewan.
Amplify 2025 (First Work)
April 15 | Richmond Hill, ON
As disruption increases, change accelerates and transformation becomes the norm, we must rethink our traditional approaches to workforce development and employment services to ensure flexibility, adaptability and long-term sustainability as a system. Amplify will explore how career development and employment service providers can chart the way to not only adapt, but thrive.
The Collective 2025 (The Career Leadership Collective)
April 22-24 | New Orleans, LA
The Career Leadership Collective is a thought-partner and consulting group for colleges and universities globally. They assist senior administrators and career services leaders in building capacity in their career ecosystem. Join The Collective to invigorate your perspectives, reignite valuable relationships and envision the trajectory of your career center.
2025 OCEA Spring Conference (Ontario Cooperative Education Association)
April 27-29 | Richmond Hill, ON
This event will bring together secondary school co-op and other forms of experiential learning teachers/educators from across Ontario for professional development and best practices sharing. This year’s theme is “Where tomorrow begins: Empowering future-ready students.”
HR Conference & Expo 2025 (CPHR BC & Yukon)
April 30-May 1 | Vancouver
This conference will bring HR professionals together from across BC and the Yukon to learn from some of the industry’s greatest thought leaders. This year’s conference theme is “Here and Now.”
International Trauma Conference (Trauma Research Foundation)
May 1-4 | Boston, MA
Building on a rich legacy of over three decades, this event continues to merge cutting-edge scientific research with practical clinical applications. Experience a diverse program that includes discussions on body rhythms, the arts, science, theatre, psychedelics and neurofeedback.
NAWDP 41st Annual Conference
May 5-7 | Virginia Beach, VA
This conference is held by the National Association of Workforce Development Professionals. The gathering draws thought leaders and professionals from across various workforce development organizations such as workforce boards, community colleges, private sector business, vocational rehabilitation, economic development, community- and faith-based organizations, and more.
2025 CACEE Canada West
May 7 | Vancouver
Connect with your career education and campus recruitment colleagues from across Western Canada and beyond! You can expect an event that will feature:
- Thought leaders and dynamic speakers sharing the latest trends and insights influencing our space
- Opportunities to network, share best practices, and learn from your colleagues
- Resources, tools and concrete strategies you can apply in your work with post-secondary talent
Career development symposium (BCCDA)
May 9 | Vancouver
While designed for career development professionals, the symposium is also a great opportunity for anyone seeking inspiration in building their career and life. This year’s theme, “Breaking Through Limiting Beliefs, Yet Again,” revisits a timeless yet vital topic. Just like motivation, which requires regular renewal, overcoming self-imposed barriers needs continual reinforcement.
ATA CSC Annual Conference (Alberta Teachers’ Association Council of School Counsellors)
May 9-10 | Kananaskis, AB
In separate sessions, keynote speakers Dr. Greg Wells and Dr. Brian Miller share their expensive knowledge of the science behind elevating education through international wellness practices and sustaining a career in trauma-exposed workplaces. A pre-conference event is also available for registration on May 8.
2025 APCDA Hybrid Conference (Asia Pacific Career Development Association)
May 12-26 | Zhengzhou, China & virtual
The audience will consist of delegates from many Asian countries and regions as well as other parts of the world. The conference provides opportunities for networking, sharing among practitioners, and identifying new resources. The first week will be virtual, while the second week will be in-person and broadcast to virtual attendees.
2025 Supporting Equity in Trades Conference (Canadian Apprenticeship Forum)
May 24-26 | Toronto
This event is focused on advancing equity and inclusion in the skilled trades. Join industry leaders, advocates and trades professionals for critical discussions, actionable strategies and meaningful connections to drive change in the apprenticeship and trades sector.
2025 CAVEWAS Training Day and VRA National Conference
May 27-30 | St. John’s, NL
VRA Canada represents vocational rehabilitation professionals. The program features expert speakers tackling some of the most intriguing and relevant topics in the field. The conference theme is “Rock Solid Foundations for the Future.”
CAUCE 2025 National Conference (Canadian Association for University Continuing Education)
May 28-30 | Niagara, ON
Attendees will have the opportunity to connect with one another, engage in professional development opportunities and get inspired with new ways to improve and innovate the field of continuing and professional education in Canada. This year’s theme is “Knowledge Knows No Boundaries: The Power of Lifelong Learning.”
CCPA 2025 Annual Conference (Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association)
May 29-June 1 | Calgary
This year’s conference celebrates the association’s 60 years, with the theme “Reflecting on the Past, Building the Future.”
CSSE Annual Conference (Canadian Society for the Study of Education)
May 30-June 4 | Toronto
The CSSE Annual Conference is part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, which brings together more than 65 scholarly associations from across the humanities and social sciences.
HRFutureFest (HRD)
June 3 | Toronto
HRFutureFest brings together HR innovators and business leaders to redefine the future of work. Conference themes include AI, automation and the human touch; the upskilling imperative; the future of work, well-being and balance; and leading with impact in a changing world.
NACE Conference + Expo (National Association of Colleges and Employers)
June 3-5 | Philadelphia, PA
June 25-26 | Virtual
Attendees can expect a dynamic program addressing key challenges and innovations in career services and early talent recruiting. Sessions will cover strategic collaboration, internships, career competencies, recruiting on campus, and best practices for hiring top talent while promoting inclusion and belonging.
OCCOQ Conference 2025
June 4-6 | Lévis, QC
The conference by Montreal-based Ordre des Conseillers et Conseillères d’Orientation du Québec (OCCOQ) is intended to be a space for guidance counselors to cultivate knowledge and mutually enrich their practice. It will offer a stimulating program that will highlight innovations, innovative approaches and essential reflections to face the current challenges of the profession.
CACUSS 2025 (Canadian Association of College & University Student Services)
June 8-11 | Halifax
This year’s conference theme is “Keeping the wind in our sails; Cultivating joy in our purpose.” Since 1973, CACUSS has provided professional development services and programs for members in all the Canadian provinces.
SEMM Conference (Brainstorm Strategy Group)
June 12-13 | Halifax, NS
Post-secondary institutions across Atlantic Canada will converge at this conference to share best practices and initiatives that are positively impacting student success and retention.
CEWIL 2025 (Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning Canada)
June 16-19 | Hamilton, ON
The conference – “CEWIL: Forging the Future Together” – will explore how work-integrated learning is shaping the future of education and empowering students for success.
Canadian Association for Supported Employment Conference (CASE)
June 17-19 | Moncton, NB
This annual conference brings together employment service providers, employers, community partners, and other allies to celebrate and to advance employment inclusion of persons experiencing disability.
NCDA 2025
June 18-20 | Atlanta, GA
The NCDA Global Career Development Conference features presentations, discussions, and a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Symposium. Attendees can enhance their skills through professional development sessions, leadership training and networking opportunities.