Two people sitting across desk from each other in job interview in office
Tips & Training

Job search trends: Setting clients up for success in collaborative interviews

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As the Canadian job market evolves, career coaches and counsellors must stay informed about the latest interview trends to support their clients effectively. One such trend is the increasing emphasis on collaborative interviewing, which fosters more open and candid discussions between job candidates and hiring organizations. By educating clients about this approach and helping them prepare accordingly, career professionals can significantly improve their chances of success in the interview process.  

Understanding the 4 components of work fit 

Collaborative interviewing revolves around the concept of work fit, which consists of four key components: 

  • Person-job fit: The alignment between the candidate’s skills, experience, interests, and job requirements.
  • Person-organization fit: Determining the compatibility between the candidate’s values, goals, work style and the company’s culture and mission. 
  • Person-group fit: Evaluating how well the candidate would integrate with the existing team and contribute to a positive team dynamic.
  • Person-supervisor fit: Considering the potential relationship between the candidate and their prospective supervisor, ensuring a compatible working style and effective communication.

Career coaches should guide their clients to focus on these aspects of work fit during their interview preparation, enabling them to engage in more meaningful and productive conversations with potential employers.  

Closeup of two people shaking hands
Having self-awareness of their strengths and goals will help clients articulate their fit with the job and organization more effectively. (iStock)
Preparing clients for collaborative interviews 

To effectively prepare clients for collaborative interviews, career coaches can employ the following strategies: 

Encourage self-reflection

Help clients identify their strengths, values and career goals, as well as the type of work environment in which they thrive. This self-awareness will allow them to articulate their fit with the job and organization more effectively.

Conduct mock interviews

Practise collaborative interviewing techniques with clients, focusing on open-ended questions and encouraging candid discussions about work fit. Provide constructive feedback to help them refine their responses and communication skills.

Emphasize the importance of asking questions

Encourage clients to prepare thoughtful questions demonstrating their genuine interest in the position and the company. This will help them engage in a more collaborative dialogue during the interview.

Teach active listening skills

Guide clients on listening attentively to the interviewer’s questions and comments, ensuring they understand the context and can provide relevant and targeted responses.

Help them showcase their adaptability and resilience

In Canada’s rapidly changing job market, employers highly value candidates who can demonstrate their ability to adapt to new challenges and persevere through difficult situations. Coach clients on effectively highlighting instances where they have exhibited these qualities.

Leveraging job search resources  

In addition to preparing clients for collaborative interviews, career coaches and counsellors in Canada can also help jobseekers navigate the job search process more effectively by: 

1. Utilizing job search workshops: Many organizations, such as the Centre for Newcomers, offer job search workshops that cover topics like resume writing, interview preparation and understanding the Canadian job market. Encourage clients to attend these workshops to enhance their job search skills.

2. Leveraging online resources: Websites like Indeed Canada provide valuable career advice and interview tips tailored to the Canadian job market. Guide clients to explore these resources to gain insights into common interview questions and effective strategies for showcasing their skills and experience.

3. Networking and building connections: Emphasize the importance of networking and professional connections within the Canadian job market. Encourage clients to attend industry events, join relevant professional associations and engage with their network to uncover potential job opportunities.

By staying informed about the latest interview trends, such as collaborative interviewing, and leveraging Canadian job search resources, career coaches and counsellors can empower their clients to navigate the evolving job market confidently and succeed. This training can enhance the chances of jobseekers acing interviews and securing fulfilling career opportunities that align with their unique strengths, values and aspirations. 


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Karthik Duraisami, CVRP, MCPC, MPT, is a Disability Case Manager and Return to Work Coordinator specializing in vocational rehabilitation. With certifications in vocational rehabilitation, life coaching and a background in physiotherapy, Karthik excels in creating tailored return-to-work plans. His expertise in disability management and stakeholder engagement enables him to effectively support injured workers in their journey back to employment. Karthik’s passion for problem-solving and helping others drives his commitment to improving clients’ lives and organizational outcomes.
Karthik Duraisami, CVRP, MCPC, MPT, is a Disability Case Manager and Return to Work Coordinator specializing in vocational rehabilitation. With certifications in vocational rehabilitation, life coaching and a background in physiotherapy, Karthik excels in creating tailored return-to-work plans. His expertise in disability management and stakeholder engagement enables him to effectively support injured workers in their journey back to employment. Karthik’s passion for problem-solving and helping others drives his commitment to improving clients’ lives and organizational outcomes.
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