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Resources to help jobseekers bring mindfulness into their job search

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Mindfulness, the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something, is a practice and skill that can be used in one’s career. The Canadian Mental Health Association describes mindfulness as “a skill developed by deciding to slow down and taking the time to pay attention and be curious about things that we’re experiencing and things that we see around us.” This listicle provides readers with information on mindfulness, practical applications and how mindfulness can be applied during a job search. 

3 Ways Meditation Can Catapult Your Career (Forbes) [Article] 

Meditation is one way to practice mindfulness, and it can be beneficial in a job search. These benefits can include increased clarity, stress reduction and increased creativity.  

5 ways mindfulness can enhance client career clarity (CareerWise) [Article] 

Career development professionals can use mindfulness to help clients gain clarity when deciding where to go next in their career. Workplace Mindfulness Facilitator Michelle Precourt lays out the benefits of mindfulness, which include increased self-awareness, enhanced focus and concentration, stress reduction, improved decision-making, and heightened intuition and creativity. 

5 minutes to calm: Mindfulness for career professionals (CareerWise) [Article]  

This article by post-secondary career professional Liesl Jurock provides readers with a five-minute mindfulness practice that can be implemented in an office, a car or anywhere a person can take a few minutes for themselves. The steps include silencing notifications, taking deep breaths and going through a body scan. 

10 Mental Habits and Mindfulness Exercises for Your Job Search (FlexJobs) [Article]   

This article provides 10 habits jobseekers can employ to reduce the negative emotions that can come with a job search. Jobseekers can establish a routine, practise self-care and use mindfulness to “feel calm and in control when everything starts to feel a bit chaotic.”  

10 Ways to Be More Mindful at Work (Mindful.org) [Article] 

This article provides 10 tips on how to be more mindful at work. Some of the tips include being a single-tasker rather than multitasking, setting an alarm on your phone to serve as a reminder to practise mindfulness and adopting a growth mindset, which means believing that one can improve their “their intelligence and talents with effort.” 

How can you teach mindfulness skills to your clients or students? (LinkedIn) [Article] 

To begin mindfulness with clients, this article advises starting with simple and short sessions “such as breathing, body scan, or sensory awareness.” Other tips include making mindfulness fun and interactive with things like games and stories, and modeling mindfulness.  

How can you use mindfulness to reduce job search stress? (LinkedIn) [Article] 

By applying mindfulness, a jobseeker can reduce anxiety and depression while “increasing motivation and resilience, and enhancing performance and communication.” During the actual job search, this LinkedIn article advises that a jobseeker can start the day with a mindful routine “instead of checking your email or social media, take some time to meditate, breathe, or stretch. This can help you set a positive tone for your day and prepare yourself for the tasks ahead.” Additionally, it’s important to take breaks during the day and express gratitude at the end of the day.  

How meditation can benefit your career (Hays) [Podcast]

Recruitment and human resources company Hays interviewed Dr. Megan Jones Bell, clinical psychologist and chief strategy and science officer at mindfulness and meditation app Headspace, to learn more about how mindfulness can benefit your career as well as how to apply the practice. A transcript of the podcast along with Headspace meditation videos can be found here while a recording of the podcast can be found here. 

How Mindfulness Can Boost Your Career Development (ShiftCollab) [Article] 

Mindfulness can be applied to a job search in a situation where jobseekers feel hesitant about applying to certain jobs. In this situation, a jobseeker can pause and ask themselves questions like “Do you underestimate your abilities or feel you’re not competent enough for this job? Does the job trigger any past trauma that keeps you from applying? Are the same fears showing up in other areas of your life?” Practising mindfulness can help jobseekers answer these questions and move beyond their hesitations. Additionally, mindfulness can be applied to the job hunt by “visualizing your ideal career [and to] read job postings without any judgment.” 

How Using Mindfulness in Your Job Search Can Be a Game Changer (University of Ottawa) [Article] 

The Telfer Knowledge Hub, part of the University of Ottawa, explains how mindfulness can be a game changer for jobseekers. Jobseekers can cultivate intention to help focus “time and energy on what really matters,” focus on accomplishments and progress to boost confidence, and practise breathing, which “increase awareness of our thoughts, regulate emotion, enhance attention, and reduce stress [which] improve your brain efficiency.”  

Meditation for Job Seekers [Video] 

Career coach, mindfulness coach and meditation coach Kerri Twigg leads viewers through three meditation techniques in this 46-minute video.  

Mindfulness: a resource for your job search toolkit (YWCA) [Blog Post] 

This blog post provides readers with three one-minute mindfulness activities a jobseeker can use during their job search. These include matching inhales and exhales, counting breaths and doing a short body scan. 

Mindfulness at Work (Mindful HR Services) [Workshop] 

Mindfulness at Work is an interactive workshop series delivered over a three–, six–, or nine-month period. The weekly sessions allow for self-reflection and connecting with colleagues one-on-one or in groups to enhance team harmony through increased self-awareness and understanding of self and others.  

Mindfulness Practices for Stress Reduction: A Jobseeker’s Guide (Diverse Jobs Matter) [Blog Post] 

Some of the mindfulness practices in this post include mindful walking, mindful journaling and practising gratitude. To specifically apply mindfulness in the job search, readers are advised to start their day mindfully, take mindful breaks, listen carefully during interviews and, “if faced with rejection, use mindfulness to process your emotions without harsh judgment. Acknowledge your feelings, learn from the experience, and move forward.” 

Additional reading/viewing: 

Samar Ismail Author
Samar Ismail is an occasional teacher in Ontario. With a background in journalism, she continues to freelance as a writer, editor and researcher.
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Samar Ismail Author
Samar Ismail is an occasional teacher in Ontario. With a background in journalism, she continues to freelance as a writer, editor and researcher.
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