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Research & Trends

Journals to read for the latest in counselling research and practice

Reading Time: 3 minutes

As a counsellor, it can be difficult to find time for professional development. Learn about trends, practices and research in the counselling field on your own time with the following journals.

Looking for journals more specifically focusing on work and career development? Check out our roundup of academic journals that highlight career development research.

Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy

APJCP aims to provide a lively forum for academic and research papers with a focus on best practices in the field of counselling and psychotherapy. The Journal strives to publish original articles of quality and welcomes authors from Hong Kong, the Asia Pacific Region and internationally.

British Journal of Guidance & Counselling

The aim of this Journal is to publish work that sets trends and provokes fresh thought and innovation in the practice and understanding of counselling, psychotherapy and career guidance. As an international journal, the British Journal of Guidance & Counselling provides a high-quality platform to authors from across the globe, and from diverse cultural backgrounds and disciplines.

Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Journal

Counselling and Psychotherapy Research is an international peer-reviewed journal dedicated to linking research with practice in counselling and psychotherapy. It aims to promote high-quality, ethical research that influences, informs and develops counselling and psychotherapy practice.

Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy

The CJCP is the official journal of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association. While it does not appear to be currently publishing (as of May 2024), the Journal’s archives are available.

Counselling Psychology Quarterly

Counselling Psychology Quarterly is an international interdisciplinary journal presenting empirical research articles, research-based systematic reviews and research-informed conceptual papers that are relevant to counselling psychology as a scientific discipline and profession. The Journal welcomes submissions that reflect counselling psychology articles globally.

Counselor Education and Supervision

CES publishes articles on research, theory development and program applications with essential information for the preparation and supervision of counsellors in various settings. It is the official publication of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision.

International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling

The journal publishes conceptual, practical and research contributions that provide an international perspective on theories and models of guidance and counselling, counsellor education and supervision, reports on guidance and counselling in specific settings, social justice and equity, and counselling services in countries with social and economic challenges.

Journal of College Counseling

Journal of College Counseling is the official journal of the American College Counseling Association. It advances the college counselling research base and informs the practice of counsellors working in higher education settings.

Journal of Counseling & Development

Journal of Counseling & Development is the flagship journal of the American Counseling Association. It publishes practice, theory and research articles across 18 different specialty areas and work settings. Sections include research, assessment and diagnosis, theory and practice, and trends.

Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development

JMCD is the official journal of the Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development. This Journal is concerned with research, theory and program applications pertinent to multicultural and ethnic minority interests in all areas of counselling and human development.

Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development

This is an official journal of the Association of Assessment and Research in Counseling. Articles range in appeal from those that deal with theoretical and other problems of the measurement specialist to those directed to the administrator, the counsellor or the personnel worker.

The Counseling Psychologist

The Counseling Psychologist is the official publication of the Society of Counseling Psychology (Division 17) of the American Psychological Association. Articles focus on the theory, research and practice of counselling psychology.

The Journal of Counseling Psychology

The Journal of Counseling Psychology publishes empirical research in the areas of counselling activities; career and educational development and vocational psychology; diversity and underrepresented populations in relation to counselling activities; the development of new measures to be used in counselling activities; and professional issues in counselling psychology.

Did we miss something? Leave a comment below or send us a note at careerwise@ceric.ca if you have information that can help make our article even better.

Lindsay Purchase Administrator
Lindsay Purchase is the Editor of CERIC’s CareerWise website and CareerWise Weekly newsletter. She has a background in journalism, having worked previously as a digital editor and reporter. Lindsay is a graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University’s Global Studies program and Toronto Metropolitan University’s Food Security certificate program.
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Lindsay Purchase Administrator
Lindsay Purchase is the Editor of CERIC’s CareerWise website and CareerWise Weekly newsletter. She has a background in journalism, having worked previously as a digital editor and reporter. Lindsay is a graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University’s Global Studies program and Toronto Metropolitan University’s Food Security certificate program.
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