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Tips & Training

Nurturing the nurturers: Career development for career professionals 

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Have you ever felt the weight of responsibility that comes with guiding others on their career journeys? You pour your heart and soul into empowering your clients, but sometimes, that internal fire seems to dim a bit. Maybe you’ve noticed a shift in your own motivation or a sense of being stuck. Been there! Many career development professionals, myself included, have faced similar struggles. 

For years, I thrived in the fast-paced world of project management. Leading teams and advocating for their career development was incredibly rewarding. However, somewhere along the way, I lost sight of my own path. Burnout started looming large, and it was a clear signal for a career reset. 

Here’s the thing: career development wasn’t always my calling. But after reigniting my own professional journey, I discovered a deep passion for empowering others to navigate theirs.  

As a career empowerment coach, I’m constantly reminded of the transformative power of intentionality. But the honest truth is that we – the career development champions – are often the worst at taking our own advice.  

Feeling stuck, overwhelmed or burnt out? This article aims to help you rekindle your career fire. By investing in our own growth, we become even more effective guides for our clients.  

Self-assessment: Taking stock of your toolkit 

For career development professionals, self-assessment is like taking an inventory of your professional toolkit. It’s crucial to understand your current position, aspirations and areas for growth. Explore valuable self-reflection tools  such as the Wheel of Life, VIA Character Strengths assessment or journalling to help you identify your values, purpose, strengths and the experiences that truly light you up. This creates a map for your career journey that identifies where you have been, where you are and where you want to go. Are you heading in the direction you want or do you have to make a small course correction? 

Skill sharpening: Upskilling for your own goals 

Upskilling and reskilling are essential in today’s dynamic job market. But it’s important to focus on developing skills that propel your own career goals, not just your employer’s (or client’s) needs. Alignment is key! 

Here are three innovative approaches to consider that can keep your skillset fresh:  

  • Shadowing: Shadow someone in a different career development role to gain new perspectives and ideas. 
  • Mastermind groups: Form a mastermind group with other career champions for peer coaching, accountability and brainstorming sessions. Think “powerhouse support network”! 
  • Pro bono projects: Use your expertise to help a non-profit organization in a new area. This broadens your skillset while giving back to the community. 
Networking: Cultivating your career garden 

Expanding your network is crucial for career growth. Look beyond your current organization and intentionally connect with the broader professional ecosystem. Think of it like building a vibrant career garden! Networking helps you: 

  • Stay on top of trends: Learn about the latest innovations in career development. New ideas mean you can offer even more value to your clients! 
  • Collaborate: Partner with other professionals on innovative projects and initiatives. Collaboration allows you to leverage each other’s strengths and create something truly special. 
  • Grow your referral network: Cultivate a network of professionals who can connect you with potential clients or exciting job opportunities that align with your career goals.  

Volunteering with my local career development association and participating in mentorship programs have been a nurturing oasis in my professional landscape. These connections have not only enriched my journey but have also provided me with a strong sense of community. 

Percent of battery level from sadness to smiley face on wooden cubes
There will be bumps in the road and moments of self-doubt along your growth journey. (iStock)
Personal branding: From humble beginnings to career rockstar 

Early in my career, I believed that hard work and dedication were the only ingredients needed for success. Every promotion felt like a pat on the back for my efforts. However, I came to realize that these accomplishments were actually the foundation of something much bigger – my personal brand. 

These achievements needed some polish and a strategic approach to truly shine, not just during job searches, but in all aspects of my career. I’m now a passionate advocate for the incredible power of personal branding in professional development. Here’s why it rocks: 

  • Level up your skills, superhero style: Building a brand forces you to identify your unique strengths and passions. Think of it as honing your superpowers to become a more focused and effective career champion. 
  • Attract your dream clients (or employer): A strong brand acts like a magnet, drawing in those who resonate with your approach and expertise. By consistently sharing valuable content, you become the “go-to” person for specific career development needs. 
  • Unlock hidden career doors: Even if you’re not starting a business, a well-developed brand can lead to exciting, unexpected opportunities. Collaborations, speaking engagements or even internal promotions can arise when you showcase your expertise and passion for the world to see. 
Self-compassion: Practising what we preach 

We career development champions preach goal setting and accountability like gospel, but remember: growth isn’t a straight shot to the top. There will be bumps in the road and moments of self-doubt. Here’s the key: embrace self-compassion throughout the journey. Celebrate your wins, big and small, and acknowledge the challenges. Just like you guide your clients, be your own cheerleader. Forgive yourself for missteps and use them as stepping stones to learning and growth. This self-kindness fuels your motivation and keeps you moving forward on your exciting career development adventure. 

As we journey through our own career development, it’s crucial to remember that nurturing others starts with nurturing ourselves. This article has outlined several pathways to reignite your passion and enhance your professional growth. From introspective self-assessment and proactive skill sharpening to broadening your networks and building a personal brand, each step is a building block toward a more fulfilled and impactful career. 

Let’s pledge to not only be career champions for others but also for ourselves. By investing in our growth, we enhance our capacity to light the way for others, making the journey of career development a shared and more rewarding adventure. 

Remember, every interaction with a client, every new skill learned, and every moment of self-reflection adds up to a richer, more empowering career path. So, keep learning, keep growing, and most importantly, keep nurturing the nurturer within you. 

Louise Neil Author
Louise Neil B.Sc, ACC is a career empowerment expert and seasoned leadership development coach guiding individuals to unlock their potential to achieve meaningful career success. Through personalized coaching and workshops, Louise empowers people to find work with purpose and authenticity.
Louise Neil Author
Louise Neil B.Sc, ACC is a career empowerment expert and seasoned leadership development coach guiding individuals to unlock their potential to achieve meaningful career success. Through personalized coaching and workshops, Louise empowers people to find work with purpose and authenticity.
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