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CareerWise is always on the lookout for the latest reports related to career development. Here are several reports that we found interesting this week.
Postsecondary-offered Microcredentials in Ontario: What does the Evidence Tell Us? (HEQCO)
Among the report findings: micro-credentials are not well suited to comprehensive reskilling for workers changing industries. Interventions such as wraparound support services or competency-based education programs may be better suited to addressing these types of demands.
Beyond literacy: The incremental value of non-cognitive skills (OECD)
This paper reviews a number of previous studies that have investigated how measures of non-cognitive skills predict important life outcomes such as educational attainment, employment, earnings, and self-reported health and life satisfaction. The paper finds that measures of non-cognitive skills are robustly and consistently associated to indicators of life success in youth and adulthood, and have incremental predictive power over traditional measures of cognitive ability.
Planning for sustainable jobs 101 (PLACE Centre & FSC)
There is little guidance on how groups leading the green skills transition in Canada should undertake this work. This report aims to fill that gap. Based on a comprehensive literature review and ongoing research, developing a local or sectoral sustainable jobs plan comprises six steps.