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CareerWise is always on the lookout for the latest reports related to career development. Here are several reports that we found interesting this week.
Career Development in 2040: Preparing for Possible Scenarios of Work & Careers (CERIC & Creative Futures)
This report draws on potential future scenarios to explore how career development services may change and how the role of CDPs may evolve by 2040. It outlines nine Key Insights (with 15 accompanying Recommended Actions) about career development in 2040.
Supporting Student Mental Health in Ontario: Exploring Best Practices and Identifying Gaps (HEQCO)
This report finds that Ontario has a relatively well-funded and resourced post-secondary education mental health support strategy. Institutions are adjusting to the increased demand, but structural and systemic forces make it challenging for institutions to implement programs, hire staff and plan comprehensively.
Diversity in Canada’s Not-For-Profit Sector (CharityVillage)
This research examined the current state of DEI practices in the non-profit sector generally, and more specifically as it relates to job search and the hiring process. The report includes some preliminary insights and considerations for charities and NFPs related to organizational and hiring practices.