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CareerWise is always on the lookout for the latest reports related to career development. Here are several reports that we found interesting this week.
Nonprofit Sector Survey (Ontario Nonprofit Network)
This report finds that demand for non-profit services has grown 29% since 2020. However, two-thirds of the sector is facing staffing challenges and non-profit closure reports have increased.
Compensation Disparity Between Canadian and American Technology Workers (The Dais)
The pay gap between tech workers in Canada and the U.S. is significant – and complex. This research finds that 10% of the tech pay gap can be explained by a higher share of part-time, part-year work north of the border.
Inclusion in Work-integrated Learning: Lessons from Administrators, Employers and Students (HEQCO)
This report demonstrates that accessibility and inclusion are positively associated with student perceptions of satisfaction with their WIL experience. However, there is disagreement between employers and administrators about how the responsibility to make WIL more inclusive should be shared or divided.