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Tips & Training

Events to add to your calendar during Career Month 2022

Reading Time: 8 minutes

With the arrival of Career Month, November marks a celebratory time for those who work in the career development field. It offers an opportunity to reflect on the importance of accessing meaningful work as well as the contributions of the service providers who help individuals connect with their preferred futures.

Global Careers Month logoThis year’s theme is “Amplify” – and the annual event is bigger than ever! CERIC, the Canadian Career Development Foundation (CCDF) and the US-based National Career Development Association (NCDA) are coming together to launch Global Careers Month in North America.

As professionals in the field consider the impact of career development in Canada and abroad, this month marks a great time to connect with fellow practitioners and boost your knowledge. Below, we’ve compiled webinars, conferences and other virtual and in-person events for career professionals and the communities they serve, taking place this Career Month.

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Want to get involved in Global Careers Month in North America? Over the month of November, amplify how career development changes everything on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. Using the hashtag #Amplifier2022, Global Careers Month invites you to post about what career development means and how it changes everything. Visit global.careermonth.ca for details.

Woman wearing headset and smiling at computer screen
Exploring the Possibilities of RPL Certificates/Certification in Canada (CAPLA)

Nov. 1

The pandemic has shined a light on the need to more consistently and fairly assess and recognize the current learning of all Canadians in transition. This session will investigate the interest in Canada for a credential/voluntary certification for those who work in PLAR/RPL, where the adult learner has acquired competencies (KSA) in a range of settings.

CAPLA is also hosting a session on “The RPL Continuum: A Primer” on Nov. 15.

Building scientific capacity and a new generation of researchers (Magnet)

Nov. 1

 Supporting researchers in the early stages of their career helps them build an innovative mindset, confidence, and important industry and community connections. However, young researchers face many challenges. Join leaders as they share their personal and organizational initiatives, experiences and learnings in building scientific capacity and supporting a new generation of researchers for a better future world of work.

Creating space to foster a cultural understanding between Indigenous and non-Indigenous (CACUSS)

Nov. 3

The University of Saskatchewan’s Building Bridges program provides programming for the campus community with a focus on Indigenous and non-Indigenous (international and domestic) relations and cultural understanding. This presentation will share the context within which Building Bridges emerged, the program history and offer an opportunity for other institutions to consider how they might establish a similar program.

Assessing creative thinking: What, why and how? (OECD)

Nov. 8

For many years, future-oriented educational frameworks or skills rankings placed creative thinking near the top of their priorities. The question is, can we make creative thinking visible, comparable, and amenable to policy and classroom action? This webinar will examine the PISA 2022 creative thinking assessment, what is involved, and why and how the OECD is testing creative thinking.

Making Real Progress on Equity and Inclusion (Harvard Business Review)

Nov. 8

Organizations have largely missed the mark when it comes to creating environments where all employees thrive in an equal and equitable way, because they treat diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) as a program that gets done rather than the necessary and difficult journey it is. This interactive webinar will focus on how organizations can make real progress on DEI.

Allyship: What type of ally are you? (Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion)

Nov. 8

Allyship is critical to social justice issues and to eradicate the challenges faced by equity-seeking groups. This webinar will look at the different types of allyship and how one can leverage their position as an ally to dismantle inequality and to support equity-deserving groups.

Skills for greener economies and societies – the potential of apprentices (CICA)

Nov. 9

This webinar undertakes a critical appraisal of the “green wave” of firms and education policies that try to be and to appear greener, and how this affects Vocational Education and Training (VET). The webinar critically discusses the role of apprenticeship, and VET generally, in this landscape and the potential role of apprentices as enablers of change. 

Fueling the Next Generation: Career Education and the Elementary Classroom (NCDA)

Nov. 10

Career development models are trending toward the inclusion of elementary instruction within the scope and sequence of career readiness programs. This presentation will discuss best practices for teaching career development in the elementary classroom. Such ideas are applicable to educators, counsellors and curriculum directors working with K-12 students and staff.

Research into practice: Bringing relevant & emerging career theories into everyday practice (NICEC)

Nov. 14

Career practitioners can strengthen their work and impact by consciously selecting and using career theory to inform their evidence-based practice, as well as by advocating for careers work. This session offers an opportunity to reflect on how practitioners make conscious choices about how and when to embed career theory in their practice.

How to Effectively Integrate Reflective Practice in Experiential Learning for Career Development: Tools, Frameworks and Map (CERIC and CEWIL)

Nov. 22 & 29 and Dec. 1

The CERIC-OneLifeTools Wayfinder project uncovered many benefits of quality Reflective Practice (RP). However, while many desire to use reflective practice to unlock the career development value within experiential learning, it often does not occur as much or as effectively as they would like. Join three 1-hour sessions to move from RP theory to evaluating specific resources that unlock the value of career development within experiential and work-integrated learning programs.

Ethics in Career Practice (CDAA)

Nov. 17

In this webinar, panellists will look at how career practitioners advertise themselves through social media and traditional platforms and how they can back up their qualifications, experience and expertise. They will also explore other ethical considerations when working with both domestic and international clients.

Delegates Networking At Conference Drinks Reception
Nonprofit Driven 2022 (Ontario Nonprofit Network)

Nov. 2-3 | Toronto

Nonprofit Driven is Ontario’s largest public policy forum and is an important gathering for non-profit leaders, community organizers and policymakers to collaborate and form strategic partnerships while having a bit of fun! This year’s conference schedule will intentionally include longer breaks and built-in opportunities for attendees, staff and supporters to connect.

ASPECT BC Conference

Nov. 3-4 | Victoria

The 2022 ASPECT BC conference is on the theme “The Changing World of Work.” Attendees can expect two days of programming with 26 sessions to choose from; two keynote speakers, government representation, panel discussions, and collaborative workshops; and content for frontline workers, career developers, and organizational managers and leaders.

Let’s Get to Work (Manitoba Association of Career Development)

Nov. 4 | Winnipeg

MACD’s Let’s Get to Work conference will feature keynotes from Natalie Bell, People and Culture Consultant, Instructor, Facilitator and Coach, and writer and filmmaker Sonya Ballantyne. The conference will also include the presentation of Awards of Excellence.

Fanshawe Ignite – A United Future

Nov. 5 | London, ON

Inspired by the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, this free career conference looks at the theme of “A United Future.” Ignite 2022 will bring together Fanshawe students and community partners to share knowledge and collaborate around topics that directly connect to the UN’s established goals for a united future.

Career Jam (Career Thought Leaders)

Nov. 7-11 | Virtual

Career Jam explores the latest trends in the careers industry, with discussions from experts across the globe. It offers an opportunity for participants to share their thought leadership and gain valuable new insights.

Rethinking Disability Conference (Ontario Disability Employment Network)

Nov. 14-16 | Toronto

ODEN’s conference exploring the theme “The Future of Work” is designed for employment service agencies and businesses to enhance their professional development, increase capacity, and learn new skills to apply to their services and inclusive hiring processes. This year, ODEN has added a Business Sector Stream.

2022 CACEE National Conference

Nov. 15-17 | Virtual

The 2022 CACEE National Conference, “Building High Impact Campus Recruitment Strategies and Partnerships,” will be held virtually on the Pheedloop Platform. Attendees can expect social events, engaging sessions, industry networking and more.

Institute for Performance and Learning (I4PL)

Nov. 15-17 | Toronto

On the theme of “Re-imagined Performance and Learning,” the I4PL conference is the premier event for performance and learning professionals to develop new skills while connecting and building their network of L&D professionals across Canada.

Career Education Society (CES) Annual Fall Conference 2022

Nov. 21-22 | Vancouver

The 2022 CES Career Education Society Fall Conference invites attendees to share their story. All career development practitioners play a role in bringing awareness to youth to help them view their own career development as a series of related experiences – their story. By encouraging students to tell their own story, career educators can help students visualize future opportunities and discover what knowledge, tools and allies they will need access to continue their journey.

New Brunswick Career Development Association (NBCDA) Conference

Nov. 22-24 | Fredericton

The NBCDA 2022 “Making Connections” Conference is designed to promote the exchange of information and explore innovative approaches in career development. This year’s event aims to maintain the momentum of previous conferences and nurture and make new connections.

CESBA Conference 2022 (Ontario Association of Adult and Continuing Education School Board Administrators)

Nov. 23-25 | Toronto

The annual CESBA Conference offers a wide range of professional networking and learning opportunities to inform and inspire exemplary practice in adult and continuing education (A&CE) across Ontario. It will include more than 20 sessions, including plenary, panel and performing arts presentations by young Ontarians.

Disability and Work in Canada 2022 (DWC 2022) Conference

Nov. 29-30 & Dec. 7-8 | Virtual

The theme for this year’s conference is the “Disability, inclusion and belonging in the Canadian Workplace,” with subthemes for each day:

  • Disability in the workplace
  • Inclusion in the workplace
  • Belonging in the workplace
  • Inclusive workplace strategy
Man on video conference call on laptop
Other events
Virtual Career Week 2022 (Centennial College)

Nov. 1-3

Centennial College students are encouraged to attend a variety of interactive virtual sessions on Zoom, where they can engage in career exploration, learn about their future options including employment, university education and entrepreneurship, and connect with alumni and industry experts.

CPC Member Tele-networking (Career Professionals of Canada)

Nov. 2

This brainstorming session – conducted via Zoom – will explore the question: How have your career services changed since the start of the pandemic? Video is optional and participants can join by phone, if they prefer.

When Grief Happens on the Job (CCPA)

Nov. 4

In this workshop, participants will learn about the impact of grief when experienced as part of their work. This can include the death of a client or colleague, or a community death that the individual is involved in through their work. Attendees will explore a variety of ways to prepare for the possibility that they will experience grief on the job and identify strategies to help care for themselves when it happens.

Atlantic Canada Regional Roadshow (Dal Innovates and MindFrame Connect)

Nov. 10

This event comprises a full day of networking, facilitated workshops and panel discussions, sharing insights on the Canadian entrepreneurial ecosystem. It will explore topics including Principles of Mentorship, Entrepreneurial Resiliency and Exploring the Gender Gap in Entrepreneurship Panel.

Anti-Racism Response Training (A.R.T.) (CACUSS)

Nov. 10-Dec. 1

The Anti-Racism Response Training (A.R.T.), developed by Dr. Ishu Ishiyama, uses a witness-centred approach to disrupting racism. This training is designed to encourage participants to shift from being frozen or silent bystanders to becoming active witnesses.

Lindsay Purchase Administrator
Lindsay Purchase is the Editor of CERIC’s CareerWise website and CareerWise Weekly newsletter. She has a background in journalism, having worked previously as a digital editor and reporter. Lindsay is a graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University’s Global Studies program and Toronto Metropolitan University’s Food Security certificate program.
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Lindsay Purchase Administrator
Lindsay Purchase is the Editor of CERIC’s CareerWise website and CareerWise Weekly newsletter. She has a background in journalism, having worked previously as a digital editor and reporter. Lindsay is a graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University’s Global Studies program and Toronto Metropolitan University’s Food Security certificate program.
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