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Tips & Training

March 2022 webinars for career professionals

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The following webinars, taking place in March and hosted by a variety of organizations, will examine topics including grief and careers, upskilling, women’s employment and the future of work.

ASPECT Rural & Remote Action Committee – Recruitment & Retention (ASPECT BC)

March 3

Join this session to discuss issues related to delivering employment services in rural and remote locations. This discussion group will consist of ASPECT members who administer and deliver employment programs to rural, remote, and Indigenous communities.

Using Holland Typology to Quickly Assess Career Personality (APCDA)

March 7 and 8

Following a brief review of Holland’s theoretical formulations, the presenters will demonstrate a method for assessing persons through brief interviews about aspirations (or history) to arrive at classifications that exceed the validity of classification based on elaborate interest inventories. Webinar participants will practise using the assessment technique and then discuss the experience.

Leading with Emotional Intelligence (BCCDA)

March 9

Participants will be able to:

  • Explain what emotional intelligence is and how it can help career development professionals communicate and build more effective relationships with their clients
  • Describe one of the world’s leading models of emotional intelligence
  • Take away five keys for developing emotional intelligence competencies
The Future of Careers: Developing and engaging talent in the shifting economy (The Globe and Mail)

March 10

This webinar will explore how organizations can embrace new approaches to talent and career development in response to the shifting economy and changing workplace norms.

Helping Your Clients Grieve: Basics for Career Professionals

March 16

What if helping our clients grieve could contribute positively to their career journey? In this session, Dr. Catherine Hajnal will identify typical losses you might see in a career context, explore grief theory basics, and provide some simple tools to help clients grieve as they step into career-related conversations and activities.

Reskilling and Upskilling to Stop the Great Resignation (Brandon Hall Group)

March 17

Reskilling and upskilling the workforce is proving to be a remedy for the Great Resignation. Companies with strong development opportunities for their employees are more likely to attract and retain talent. This webinar will look at how organizations can leverage their learning strategy to keep the workforce engaged, agile and effective.

How to develop career guidance in communities (CICA)

March 17

Rie Thomsen will share insights from her practice-based research on career guidance in communities with adults and young people. In her presentation, Thomsen will explore how career guidance interacts with the everyday lives of people and their communities.

Exploring Social Enterprise: A Solution to the Challenges of Supportive Employment (CERIC and CASE)

March 17, 24 and 31

This webinar series – presented by David LePage, Managing Partner of Buy Social Canada – will help your team develop a shared language and common evaluation lens in assessing or enhancing social enterprise as part of achieving your organization’s mission, goals and sustainability.

Practical Strategies to Build Your Practice (CDAA)

March 23 and April 6

Career practitioners are talented at helping clients and students to market themselves powerfully both in person and online – but many need support marketing their own services. This series will cover the topics “How to stand out online” and “Uncover your disruptive brand story.”

Updates on the “shecession”: women’s employment and sectors in recovery (CERIC and LMIC)

March 28

This webinar is the second in a three-part series examining emerging labour market information in Canada, sharing research and analysis supporting career practitioners in their work. This series will also include the following webinars:

  • Feb. 28: Inclusive career guidance for a changing labour market: launching OECD’s findings on the state of career guidance in Canada
  • April 25: Analyzing online job postings data to understand employment trends
Living with Loss: writing for bereavement for work and career (DMH Associates)

March 29

Reinekke Lengelle and Russ Banner will discuss the following in this webinar:

  • Different forms of bereavement as an important and meaningful learning process
  • Writing for well-being as a way in which to respond to grief
  • How loss can affect our working lives and how we may respond in ways that go beyond coping
Connecting Career Development and Mental Health for Youth (CERIC and BCCDA)

March 30, April 6 and 13

In this webinar series, Dr. Kris Magnusson will provide a framework for conceptualizing the connection between career development and mental health, describe career interventions/strategies that have proven to be effective in helping youth move from languishing to flourishing, and explore some simple techniques for collecting evidence on the impact of those interventions.

The Future of Work (NCDA)

March 31

As a career development professional, it is vital to stay abreast of current trends and changes in the workforce. NCDA President Dr. Sharon Givens will present this session examining the future of work and exploring techniques and strategies for career service providers.

Lindsay Purchase Administrator
Lindsay Purchase is the Editor of CERIC’s CareerWise website and CareerWise Weekly newsletter. She has a background in journalism, having worked previously as a digital editor and reporter. Lindsay is a graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University’s Global Studies program and Toronto Metropolitan University’s Food Security certificate program.
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Lindsay Purchase Administrator
Lindsay Purchase is the Editor of CERIC’s CareerWise website and CareerWise Weekly newsletter. She has a background in journalism, having worked previously as a digital editor and reporter. Lindsay is a graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University’s Global Studies program and Toronto Metropolitan University’s Food Security certificate program.
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