CareerWise is always on the lookout for the latest reports related to career development. Here are three reports that we found interesting this week.
Green Occupation Pathways: From Vulnerable Jobs to Rapid-Growth Careers
The nature of work in Canada is changing. So is our climate. Can we alleviate both needs? Designing and implementing viable responses to automation requires a thorough understanding of the opportunities available to workers.
Access Programs in Ontario: OPAIP and Pathways to Education (HEQCO)
This report presents findings from an evaluation of two Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU)-funded programs designed to address equity gaps in our education system: Pathways to Education (Pathways) and the Ontario Postsecondary Access and Inclusion Program (OPAIP).
Labour Force Survey, January 2022 (Statistics Canada)
With the spread of the Omicron variant of COVID-19, many jurisdictions reintroduced capacity limits or closures in high-contact settings. January employment declines were driven by Ontario and Quebec, and accommodation and food services was the hardest-hit industry. Youth and core-aged women saw the largest impacts.