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Tips & Training

February 2022 webinars for career professionals

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The following webinars, taking place in February and hosted by a variety of organizations, will examine topics including rural and remote employment programs, career-related learning in primary schools and compassion fatigue for helping professionals.

Check back for more updates as other events are announced in the coming weeks.

How to Hire and Retain Newcomers and Refugees (Workforce Planning Board of Waterloo Wellington Dufferin)

Feb. 1

With such low labour market engagement numbers and job vacancies, employers have a renewed interest in hiring and retaining newcomers and refugees. In this presentation, Jim Estill of Danby Products, who is internationally renowned for his efforts in successfully bringing Syrian refugees to Guelph, will discuss ways to connect with new refugees that arrive.

Refocusing the Urban Lens for Employment Programs (ASPECT BC)

Feb. 3

This discussion group will focus on delivering employment services in rural and remote locations. The goals for this session include:

  • Discussing and recording challenges related to delivering employment programs to rural, remote and Indigenous communities
  • Creating content for a white paper to inform government for future employment program design
Canada’s Attractiveness to Global Tech Talent (Conference Board of Canada)

Feb. 8

This webinar will examine the role of immigration and Canada’s business competitiveness in accessing global tech talent. It will review the impact of existing pathways on permanent residency, venture capital flows, career development and advancement opportunities for tech talent in Canada.

Career-Related Learning in Primary Schools (CDAA)

Feb. 15

A consistent criticism from the emergent literature on children’s career development has been that career-related learning in primary schools has received limited attention. A particular gap is the practical application achieved through a collaborative partnership approach involving career development specialists, teachers and business volunteers. This webinar, presented by Dr. Deirdre Hughes, examines an innovative collaborative approach based on research undertaken in England.

The local and the global in career guidance theory: postcolonial perspectives (CICA)

Feb. 17

This presentation draws on the fund of regional and international knowledge about career guidance that comparative research has generated in contexts that can be referred to as “non-Western,” or more appropriately as the “global South” or the “majority world.” The goal of the presentation is to challenge the universalizing language that characterises career guidance theory and practice, and to further highlight the serious attention that needs to be given to localisms so that context-sensitive responses can emerge.

CICA also has upcoming webinars in February on “Investing in career guidance. Towards a better tomorrow” and “Applying the Ecological Career Counselling Model in Uncertain Times.”

Compassion Fatigue In An Online World: Why Helping Feels Harder Now Than Before (CCPA)

Feb. 22

This workshop will include discussion of the following topics: the differences between burnout, compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma; the brain; why being in a pandemic makes things harder for helpers; and ideas for self-care, ways to cope with technology and how to set boundaries at work.

Building up career services to engage youth (APCDA)

Feb. 22

Universities in South East Asia face various challenges in building career services to support their student populations. Benjamin Wong, CEO and CO Founder of Kinobi Asia, will share his understanding of various career needs and challenges and possible solutions.

BC Labour Market Briefing (BC Labour Market Report)

Feb. 24

A review of the significant British Columbia labour market research from February 2021, the latest employment data and projections for the coming month.

Success in the Workplace: Engaging People of All Abilities (RespectAbility)

Feb. 28

Inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace is not only good for the community – it’s also good for business. This conversation will explore the benefits of a diverse workforce.

Inclusive career guidance for a changing labour market: launching OECD’s findings on the state of career guidance in Canada (CERIC and LMIC)

Feb. 28

This webinar is the first in a three-part series examining emerging labour market information in Canada, sharing research and analysis supporting career practitioners in their work. The first webinar will feature a panel discussion on career guidance in Canada featuring Katharine Mullock, OECD; Noel Baldwin, Future Skills Centre; Dr. Candy Ho, University of the Fraser Valley; and Surranna Sandy, CEO, Skills for Change. The series will continue in the spring with:

  • March 28: Updates on the “shecession”: women’s employment and sectors in recovery
  • April 25: Analyzing online job postings data to understand employment trends

Lindsay Purchase Administrator
Lindsay Purchase is the Editor of CERIC’s CareerWise website and CareerWise Weekly newsletter. She has a background in journalism, having worked previously as a digital editor and reporter. Lindsay is a graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University’s Global Studies program and Toronto Metropolitan University’s Food Security certificate program.
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Lindsay Purchase Administrator
Lindsay Purchase is the Editor of CERIC’s CareerWise website and CareerWise Weekly newsletter. She has a background in journalism, having worked previously as a digital editor and reporter. Lindsay is a graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University’s Global Studies program and Toronto Metropolitan University’s Food Security certificate program.
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