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November 2021 webinars for career professionals

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The following webinars, taking place in November and hosted by a variety of organizations, will examine topics including career development as a mental health support, micro-credentials, hiring trends for the coming year, anti-racist career development practices and more.

How to Find and Attract Diverse Talent in a Hyper-Competitive Hiring Market (Brandon Hall Group)

Nov. 3

This webinar will address topics including:

  • How to uncover bottlenecks in your diversity recruiting
  • What a proper strategy for recruiting for diversity entails – one that goes beyond a checklist tacked onto an existing process
  • Where other organizations are looking for diversity in talent, and how to create the right process that keeps the right talent interested in your organization
How to do hybrid work right (Harvard Business Review)

Nov. 3 

Executives are seeing a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reset work using a hybrid model – one that, if implemented correctly, will allow employees to make their work lives more purposeful, productive, agile and flexible. Learn what steps your organization can take to successfully execute a hybrid work model.

Career Development Intervention as Mental Health Support (CICA)

Nov. 4

From Dave E. Redekopp and Michael Huston, this webinar will clarify the relationships between mental illness, mental health and career development; identify five sets of career development outcomes or effects and how they contribute to mental health; and explain a model of stress control in which career development intervention is a pivotal aid to addressing short-term and long-term stress.

How to Have an Unconventional Career Journey: Steps to Help You Navigate a Path to Success (LHH)

Nov. 4

New research suggests that as many as 40% of working people at all levels are actively re-evaluating their current jobs. Is now the time to consider a new career journey, think differently and follow the road not taken? In this webinar, presenters will discuss the challenges and rewards they experienced on their own unconventional career journeys.

Skills for Growth: Strategies for Small and Medium Canadian Businesses (Future Skills Centre)

Nov. 9

Businesses, governments and employees need to commit to reskilling to develop an effective and inclusive skills and employment ecosystem that leaves no one behind. This panel discussion will include business leaders and innovation project leads exploring the challenges SMEs currently face from labour shortages, skills gaps and pipelines to future talent needs.

Future Skills Centre also has a webinar taking place Nov. 16 on the “Next wave of Labour Market Information in Canada.”

Positively Resilient: How to Remain Energetic, Optimistic and Well-Balanced in Post-Pandemic Times – and Help Others Do the Same (CERIC & BCCDA)

Nov. 9, 16 & 23

In this webinar series, Dr. Jason Cressey will offer insights and practical skills to help you – and those you work with – flourish in the current and future challenging times. Topics include cultivating everyday mindfulness, navigating challenging emotions and managing negative cognitive filters.

Micro-Credentials and Badges: Helping Clients Build Future Skills and Career Success (CERIC & OACM)

Nov. 10, 17 & 24

This webinar series – presented by Victoria Pazukha, CPHR, CCDP and Jake Hirsch-Allen of LinkedIn – provides an overview of the micro-credentials and digital badges ecosystem in Canada. Participants will learn how to:

  • Navigate this new learning and recognition system,
  • Help clients explore, understand and use micro-learning and non-formal learning opportunities for building new skills and achieving career success, and
  • Help employers understand how to efficiently identify in-demand talent and skills via micro-credentials
Aligning Careers and Leadership Succession Plans for Today’s Digital and Post-COVID Economy: Key Pitfalls and Pivots (CERIC & First Work)

Nov. 12, 19 & 26 

Today, leaders need to understand where they can build for greater innovation, agility and resourcefulness. In this webinar series, Nicole Jackson (Sacred Heart University) will discuss the “ambidexterity challenge” – defined as the need to balance for competencies with innovation – in the digital and post-COVID economy. This series will also examine opportunities to diversify your workforce through succession planning; where to ensure transparency and fairness in the process; and how to drive employee engagement and mentoring strategies.

2022 Hiring & Compensation Trends (CPHR Manitoba)

Nov. 16

This webinar will look at what is affecting businesses moving out of the pandemic, compensation and skills development trends and what employers can do to find and engage employees in a tight hiring environment. It will also examine the latest trends in benefits and perks, as well as how companies can make diversity, equity and inclusion a focus.

Disclosure of a Disability: Who Needs to Know? (Neil Squire)

Nov. 16

This webinar may be informative for career practitioners and their clients. For a job candidate or employee, deciding if, when and how to talk to their employer about their disability and solutions that will benefit them is an important part of a back-to-work action plan. This webinar will cover the importance of being able to discuss your disability, injury or illness, and how doing so will ease the fear-of-the-unknown for a potential employer.

Educator’s Guide to Careers in the Skilled Trades (Canadian Apprenticeship Forum)

Nov. 17

After a year of community consultations and research, Canadian Apprenticeship Forum and Skills Canada are launching the updated Educator Guide to Careers in the Skilled Trades to help educators bring skilled trades careers into their classrooms.

The Psychology of the Great Resignation – Leadership Matters (Psychometrics)

Nov. 17

This webinar will explore:

  • Why leaders do not fully understand the reasons for employees leaving
  • How leaders and employees can better articulate what is important
  • Tips for leaders to better understand and connect with employees, and make their organization an attractive and fulfilling place to stay.
Stress management and motivation in the workplace (APCDA)

Nov. 18

This webinar is designed to increase awareness of the factors that produce stress in the workplace, effective ways of dealing with these factors, and ways to increase motivation and productivity.  This webinar will be helpful to individuals experiencing stress and to career practitioners who want to help their clients improve their stress management skills for themselves or their employees.

Beyond Diversity: Supporting Career Practitioners to Have Inclusive Anti-Racist Practices to Empower Clients Who Are Racialized (CERIC & CDAA)

Nov. 18, 25 & Dec. 2

This webinar series – presented by Workplace and Wellness Strategist Jodi Tingling – will address the disparities racialized folks experience in their careers, including those who identify as Black, Indigenous and as people of colour. It is vital for career practitioners to understand the systems that serve to harm or hinder the career trajectories of those who are racialized. Although there has been some progress, more work needs to be completed to dismantle the systems that continue to contribute toward promoting and harming those who are racialized.

Lindsay Purchase Administrator
Lindsay Purchase is the Editor of CERIC’s CareerWise website and CareerWise Weekly newsletter. She has a background in journalism, having worked previously as a digital editor and reporter. Lindsay is a graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University’s Global Studies program and Toronto Metropolitan University’s Food Security certificate program.
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Lindsay Purchase Administrator
Lindsay Purchase is the Editor of CERIC’s CareerWise website and CareerWise Weekly newsletter. She has a background in journalism, having worked previously as a digital editor and reporter. Lindsay is a graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University’s Global Studies program and Toronto Metropolitan University’s Food Security certificate program.
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