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Tips & Training

Conferences for career professionals in fall 2021

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Are you ready to kick your learning into high gear? Fall conference season is quickly approaching, with many opportunities available to learn and connect with peers over the next few months. While several of these conferences are in-person or hybrid, the majority remain virtual for the fall.

Looking for conference call for presenters? Scroll to the bottom to check out two opportunities for 2022 conferences with proposal deadlines this fall.

Did we miss something? Email careerwise@ceric.ca to share any fall career development conferences you think we should include.

Annual National Supported Employment Conference (CASE)

Sept. 27-29

This year’s conference will explore the theme of “Reboot: Supported Employment 2.0.” It will examine the essential role of supported employment and how we can embrace the future.

Futures 2021 (First Work)

Oct. 5 & 7, 12 & 14

Futures is the annual, national workforce development conference for employment service providers and youth hosted by First Work. This year’s conference invites participants to “Join us on the pathway to Inclusive Recovery for Today’s Workforce.”

NACADA Conference

Oct. 6-9 | Ohio

NACADA promotes and supports quality academic advising in institutions of higher education to enhance the educational development of students. The conference will feature live, semi-live and on-demand sessions.

Economic Developers Association of Canada (EDAC) Conference 

Oct. 12-14

“Recalibrate: Shifting Your Momentum”: Delegates from coast to coast to coast can share experiences, challenges and strengths as they engage in professional development sessions virtually. The conference will feature more than 20 speakers.

EWO Professional Development Virtual Conference (Experiential & Work-Integrated Learning Ontario)

Oct. 20, 21, 27 & 28

The EWO conference will take place over four half-day sessions and is on the theme of “The Road to Economic Recovery.” The conference website says more details will be available in September.

Apprenticeships for greener economies and societies (CEDEFOP & OECD)

Oct. 21-22

 This event will bring together policy-makers, practitioners and researchers from around the world to consider new research or analysis of practices exploring the links between apprenticeships and the transition toward greener economies and societies, as well as the implications for policy-making.

Nonprofit Driven Conference 2021 (Ontario Nonprofit Network)

Oct. 27

This virtual conference will consist of two days of vital collaboration, advocacy and connection to explore solutions to public policy opportunities alongside non-profit leaders from across the sector.

ASPECT Conference 2021 (ASPECT BC)

Nov. 4-5

Centred around the theme of “Build Back Better,” this year’s conference will offer workshop streams and topics for employment service providers and trainers. Early bird registration is open until Sept. 30.

Let’s Get to Work (Manitoba Association for Career Development)

Nov. 5

The Let’s Get to Work Conference is Manitoba’s only career development-focused event dedicated to demographics, research and current labour market trends. This year’s conference (for which CERIC is the Founding Sponsor) will feature keynote presentations from Brian Hutchison and Trina Maher.

OSCA Conference 2021 (Ontario School Counsellors Association)

Nov. 14-15

Under the theme of “FORWARD21: Moving from Chaos to Opportunity,” OSCA will look at how resiliency and transformative practices can channel disruption and adversity into agency for hope, new possibilities and positive change.

2021 CACEE Virtual National Conference (Canadian Association of Career Educators and Employers)

Nov. 15-17

This year’s conference theme is “Re-Imagining Campus Recruitment; Leveraging our Collective Intelligence.” Sessions will explore sub-themes including: Actionable Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI); Campus Recruitment; Adapting to Our Virtual Reality; Experiential Learning; and Investing in your Talent Equity.

2021 CAEL Annual Conference

Nov. 17-19 | San Diego & online

The CAEL conference brings together industry experts from post-secondary education, workforce and economic development, and industry. This year’s hybrid conference offers an opportunity to meet the best minds in adult learning, inside and outside of postsecondary education.

NBCDA 2021 Virtual Conference (NB Career Development Association)

Nov. 23-25

NBCDA 2021, on the theme of “Making Connections,” will feature keynotes from Tina Varughese, Anthony Mann and Christine Michaud. The conference is designed to promote the exchange of information and explore innovative approaches in career development.

CES Annual Fall Conference 2021 (Career Education Society)

Nov. 29-30 | Vancouver

The conference theme – “Routes to Success”– acknowledges there is always more than one way to move forward, and that success can take on many forms. CES aims to equip conference participants with new knowledge and a sense of excitement about their personal role in helping youth succeed.

Call for presentations
NCDA Conference (National Career Development Association)

Proposals due: Oct. 4, 2021

Next year’s NCDA conference – “Innovative Career Development Strategies to Embrace Change: Moving Forward with Resilience” – will take place June 27-29, 2022 in California. The audience includes career counsellors, educators and consultants.

National Apprenticeship Conference (Canadian Apprenticeship Forum)

Proposals due: Nov. 5, 2021 

The 2022 National Apprenticeship Conference will bring Canada’s apprenticeship community together to highlight promising practices and innovative solutions in apprenticeship training. It will explore the themes of Recovery, Resilience and Readiness.

Lindsay Purchase Administrator
Lindsay Purchase is the Editor of CERIC’s CareerWise website and CareerWise Weekly newsletter. She has a background in journalism, having worked previously as a digital editor and reporter. Lindsay is a graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University’s Global Studies program and Toronto Metropolitan University’s Food Security certificate program.
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Lindsay Purchase Administrator
Lindsay Purchase is the Editor of CERIC’s CareerWise website and CareerWise Weekly newsletter. She has a background in journalism, having worked previously as a digital editor and reporter. Lindsay is a graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University’s Global Studies program and Toronto Metropolitan University’s Food Security certificate program.
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