Focused woman wearing headphones, watching a webinar and writing notes.
Tips & Training

Webinars and conferences for career professionals in June 2021

Reading Time: 4 minutes

While we will likely see a summer slowdown of webinars and conferences, there are still many professional development opportunities available in June. All of the conference listed are virtual, giving you the opportunity to tap into networks across North America and beyond.

Speaking of conferences, don’t miss your chance to submit a proposal for CERIC’s hybrid Cannexus22 conference, taking place virtually and in person in Ottawa, Jan. 24-26, 2022. Submit your proposal by June 3, 2021 at

Hope-Action Theory: The presence (CICA)

June 3

The confluence of information access, new technologies and our evolving self-concepts presents unique challenges for our career development. This session focuses on human being and connects self-reflection to career development through the application of Hope-Action Theory and applying techniques that foster meaningful career decisions.

A conversation with Dr. Kris Magnusson on working with – and around – emotions in career helping (CERIC)

June 8

As a follow up to his popular keynote at Cannexus21, Canada’s Career Development Conference, renowned professor, Dr. Kris Magnusson, will be offering a free webinar to further explore the dynamic interplay between feeling, thinking and doing, how those processes are expressed by clients, and how career practitioners can intentionally use these processes to improve results for clients.

Ensuring accessibility during the return of in-person events – and why we should keep doing accessible virtual events (RespectAbility)

June 10

Many organizations are considering a return to in-person events. As this occurs, it is important to ensure that events are fully accessible to the 1-in-4 adults who have a disability. While we return to in-person events, however, we should not stop hosting virtual events, which allow more people to participate.

Leveraging LinkedIn for Employment and Economic Recovery (OACM)

June 10 & 17

This two-part webinar series will explore the LinkedIn tools and capabilities that career coaches and employment counsellors need to know to support their clients. It will also look at a pilot program LinkedIn will be undertaking with the Ontario government to provide Ontarians and employment service organizations with access to LinkedIn technology and training.

Creating an Anti-Racist Organization (Shades of Humanity Consulting)

June 14

Diversity, equity and inclusion have become increasingly important in the workplace. Employers must now actively work to create meaningful change in spite of the history of injustice that has marginalized underrepresented groups within the workplace. Joanne Kinya Baker, Diversity and Inclusion Strategist, presents a deeper look into how we can work to create anti-racist organizations.

Facing the skills gap with a revitalized role for post-secondary online education in Saskatchewan (Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy)

June 15

Workforce skill gaps and the unprecedented pace of change in workplaces and world are making it clear that today’s graduates need specialized job-specific skills as well as broad competencies. This OnEd Panel will explore what online educators can do to prepare students to successfully contribute to the workforce, build meaningful careers in a shifting landscape and help craft solutions to the big challenges faced by business, institutions and the world.

Career Redirection – Conquering Ageism in Employment 

June 15 & 22

Older workers were devastated by the pandemic downturn and continue to face adverse employment outcomes moving forward. Many others were forced into retirement and are looking for redirection in life. Join a workshop led by PhD Suzanne Cook, a gerontologist specialist in career redirection, and certified career development practitioner Anne Marie Gilroy in a multi-day workshop that will provide you with new skills to overcome ageism and other systemic barriers.

Exploring Job Pathways (Brookfield Institute)

June 17

Shocks and disruptions arising from COVID-19 have affected millions of Canadians and their jobs, with some companies, sectors, and workers hit especially hard. This online event will explore how different actors understand the workforce and skills challenges that Canada is facing, as we aim for long-term recovery and shared prosperity.

Leading from home: How to manage a virtual team (CharityVillage)

June 24

This webinar will be packed with tips and tricks for those making the pivot to remote work, with a special focus on leadership skills and effectively managing a virtual team.

How Microsoft One Note can support students’ executive functioning (NeilSquire)

June 29

Executive function is set of mental skills that help us to learn, work and manage daily life. Trouble with executive function can make it hard to focus, follow directions, and handle emotions, among other things. This webinar will explore executive functioning and will provide insight as to how Microsoft One Note supports those who have trouble with executive function.

Community Foundations Virtual Summit (Community Foundations of Canada)

June 2-4

This summit will offer diverse virtual experiences for community foundations, partners and non-profit leaders looking to learn, grow and connect. It will include conversations and workshops on Youth Shifting Power & the Role of Philanthropy and Philanthropy Co-Conspiring with Activists.

IEDC 2021 Economic Future Forum (International Economic Development Council)

June 7-8

This conference focuses on fostering regional innovation and economic transformation and equity in the new economy. The conference will explore industry trends and the partnerships and strategies needed to grow, diversify, and retain companies in established and emerging industries.

Apprentices with disabilities (Canadian Apprenticeship Forum)

June 8

 CAF-FCA completed an environmental scan for Employment and Social Development Canada about apprentices with disabilities based on existing research and input from apprenticeship stakeholders. The webinar will focus on three main themes: data, best practices and barriers.

Learning Futures – Futures of Learning Conference (Finland Futures Research Centre)

June 8-9

Education systems and learning processes for people of all ages are needed to navigate uncertainty, address known problems, identify new ones, and make sense of emergent issues and opportunities. The global Learning Futures conference will create a cross-disciplinary platform where participants can meet, share, and discuss new ideas concerning futures and learning.

Digital education for a strong recovery: A forward look (OECD)

June 8-10

 The conference will highlight advances in educational technology based on artificial intelligence, robotics and blockchain. It will bring together policy makers, education stakeholders, the global education industry and experts in the field.

Brave New Work Conference 2021: The Messy Middle of the Future of Work (Public Policy Forum)

June 22-23

The Messy Middle is where workers between their second jobs and their second-last jobs might find themselves if they experience labour disruption caused by digitization, globalization, evolving business models or a pandemic. This conference will explore the “messy middle” and urgent policy conversation on what to do next.

NCDA Global Career Development Virtual Conference (National Career Development Association)

June 29 – July 1

The theme for this year’s conference is “A Kaleidoscope of Career Interventions in an Age of Uncertainty.” This theme speaks to the parallels between the kaleidoscope as both an artistic and scientific instrument and effective career support and research, which is both creative and systematic.

Lindsay Purchase Administrator
Lindsay Purchase is the Editor of CERIC’s CareerWise website and CareerWise Weekly newsletter. She has a background in journalism, having worked previously as a digital editor and reporter. Lindsay is a graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University’s Global Studies program and Toronto Metropolitan University’s Food Security certificate program.
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Lindsay Purchase Administrator
Lindsay Purchase is the Editor of CERIC’s CareerWise website and CareerWise Weekly newsletter. She has a background in journalism, having worked previously as a digital editor and reporter. Lindsay is a graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University’s Global Studies program and Toronto Metropolitan University’s Food Security certificate program.
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