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Tips & Training

Spring 2021 conferences and webinars for career professionals

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Check out the many virtual learning opportunities available to career professionals in April and May. We’ll keep updating this article as more events are announced, so be sure to check back!

Developing Emotional Intelligence through Coaching (CPHR Manitoba)

April 6

 What exactly is emotional intelligence and how can it be developed through coaching? Join Jill Cory and David Cory, Canada-based coaches and leadership development specialists, as they share how to best help employees develop their EQ.

State of the Sector: Checking in on 2021 (CharityVillage)

April 8

This session will take a pulse check on how the non-profit sector is holding up more than a year into the pandemic. It will feature panelists from Imagine Canada, CharityVillage, the Canadian Association of Gift Planners, Volunteer Canada, AFP Toronto and the Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada Foundation.

Labour Relations Outlook Webinar 2021: A Year of Recovery (The Conference Board of Canada)

April 13

The Labour Relations Outlook 2021 will explore the economic, compensation, and negotiating environments in which labour relations leaders will find themselves heading into bargaining in 2021.

Practical marketing tips for employment programs (BCCDA)

April 14 

This webinar will include tips on how to approach marketing during the current COVID-19 pandemic climate as well as provide ways to maximize results even with small or non-existent marketing budgets.

Are You Talking Like Businesses Think? How to Get More Consumers Hired Doing Remote Job Development (CASRA)

April 14

Learn how to speak business language that appeals to the private sector mindset and get business people to say yes to your services. Go from basic job development to using private sector sales tactics and get better outcomes with employers.

Virtual Resilient Economic Development 101 for Rural Communities (EDCO)

April 14

Learn development basics as you examine the technology and techniques used to overcome the challenges to building and maintaining thriving economies in rural areas. Facilitated by McSWEENEY and in partnership with the Government of Ontario.

Delivering Careers Services: How Does Cultural Preparedness Matter? (Career Industry Council of Australia)

April 15

 Work and its manifestations are culturally coded constructs which we need to decode if our theories and interventions are to ensure acceptance, appropriateness and effectiveness. This webinar will present the cultural preparedness approach as a framework within which these dynamic tensions can be understood.

Moving from Soft Skills to Critical Skills (Brainstorm Strategy Group)

April 20

Organizations could not function without good communicators, critical thinkers and emotionally intelligent leaders. It’s time to take our thinking about soft skills and the way we develop them and turn it on its head. There are new, engaging, immersive ways to get people the critical skills they need to be effective in the organization.

Bridging United Nations Sustainable Development Goals with Career & Life Planning (NCDA)

April 23

This webinar will: introduce participants to the UN SDGs; Connect SDGs to career development and life planning; brainstorm SDGs activities for students and clients; and showcase student reactions to SDG-related classroom assignments currently in use.

Amplify (FirstWork)

April 12-14

Amplify brings together those challenging, disrupting, driving and shaping workforce development in Ontario, including government, industry and sector leaders, professionals, educators, funders and researchers. Presenters and participants will explore new challenges and opportunities to advance workforce development in Ontario.

Growing the evidence base (NICEC/Career Development Institute)

April 20

The purpose of this event is to start a conversation between those working around the creation of evidence (researchers) and those using evidence to inform and enhance policy and practice (practitioners). It aims to help participants consider the collection of meaningful data in careers work and reflect on the use of evidence.

Contact 2021 (Saskatoon Industry Education Council)

April 21-22

Saskatchewan’s 16th annual career development conference for professional career and school counsellors, career practitioners, educators and HR professionals. This year’s conference theme is “Brave New World,” reflecting the courage that was necessary to adapt, learn and pivot during a time of transition that required bravery and resilience.

CICan Connection conference

April 26-28

This year’s theme, “Changing Narratives,” reflects how the global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has forced post-secondary institutions to dramatically change the way they operated. Attendees can expect 1,500+ delegates, more than 50 live and recorded sessions, and opportunities for networking.

CDI Launches the ‘New Career Development Framework’ (Career Development Institute)

April 27

The Careers Education Community of Practice has been working with Professor Tristram Hooley to review and refresh the CDI Framework for Skills, Employability and Enterprise Education. Join this webinar to learn more about the new Career Development Framework and the supporting materials.

Roles of the Job Developer, Assistive Tech Specialist and the Employer in Accommodation (NeilSquire)

May 4

Employers may be fearful that accommodating someone with a disability will be costly or that it will cause hardship to them and their other staff. This webinar will highlight how the job developer, assistive tech specialist and the employer can work together to simplify the road to accommodation.

Developing literacy skills in a digital world: New findings from PISA (OECD)

May 4

In 2018, the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) addressed reading as its main subject, and the reading framework was devised to include essential reading skills in a digital world. Join Andreas Schleicher, OECD Director for Education and Skills, as he presents the latest findings from PISA 2018, published in the upcoming report 21st-Century Readers: Developing Literacy Skills in a Digital World.

Allyship in Action: Strategies and Experiences of Indigenous and Settler Researchers (AGE-WELL)

May 4

Addressing anti-Indigenous racism in research and academia is crucial to advancing reconciliation, equity and social justice. What does this look like when it comes to allyship? Allies must ask how one can respectfully and ethically engage with Indigenous communities, community-based leaders, activists, scholars, and students when seeking to transform relations with Indigenous peoples.

Would a universal basic income best address the gaps in Canada’s social safety net? (IRPP)

May 4

The event will discuss the question, Is a universal basic income an idea whose time has come? Guests include the members of an expert panel on this topic set up by the BC government and the authors of Covering all the Basics: Reforms for a More Just Society.

Resume & Profile Strategies for Challenging Work Situations (Resume Writing Academy)

May 6

If you are working with clients who: have been out of work for a long period, stayed home to take care of family, are transitioning out of the military, have been incarcerated or face other significant career challenges, this session is for you. This webinar will go through strategies these clients can use in their resumes and LinkedIn profiles to stand out in a good way and not raise red flags that keep them from getting called in to interviews.

Leadership Reimagined (The Conference Board of Canada)

May 11

Digital transformation, the global pandemic, the Black Lives Matter movement, corporate social responsibility and other societal factors have rapidly cast a new light on what “good” leadership is. Speakers will discuss:

  • What critical leadership competencies will be amplified in importance
  • How to embed competencies into your talent strategy
  • Specific examples of what successful organizations are doing to support building leadership capabilities
Enhancing the Candidate Experience After the Job Acceptance (Brainstorm Strategy Group)

May 12

Often, many months pass between a student’s acceptance of an offer and their start date. Meanwhile, other employers continue marketing their roles to them; friends boast about new opportunities they’ve accepted; and the student’s life continues to unfold on campus. How do employers keep students’ interest up and ensure they don’t renege?

How schools can protect young people going into a recession: teenage indicators of adult employment outcomes (CICA)

May 13

In this webinar, Anthony Mann, who leads OECD work on career readiness, will introduce teenage indicators of career readiness and, drawing on PISA 2018, show how ready Australia’s teenagers were for the COVID labour market. The session will also include examples of practice that can be expected to be particularly effective in supporting young people.

Advisory Committee on the Charitable Sector (ACCS) Webinar

May 17

The Advisory Committee for the Charitable Sector – whose objectives are to advance emerging issues relating to charities and to ensure that the regulatory environment enables the sector’s important work – recently released its first report, which includes a series of recommendations. Co-chairs Hilary Pearson and Bruce MacDonald, along with members of the Advisory Committee, will discuss the recommendations and progress updates.

The Art of Effective Digital Workplaces: A Communication Style Workshop (CharityVillage)

May 20

Learn about the four different communication styles, including the strengths and blind spots of each one, and diving into your preferred style and how you can adjust your delivery to remove unnecessary friction and misunderstanding.

Business Continuation: Planning for the Sudden Loss of a Key Person (CPHR BC & Yukon)

May 20

The temporary or permanent loss of a key person can greatly affect your firm’s future. How do you protect your business from losing financial resources, key talent, employees, and customers? The webinar will identify the elements of a business continuation plan, including communications, important agreements, shareholder considerations and insurance funding.

Social and Emotional Learning in Mentoring: Exploring Models and Strategies (MENTOR)

May 20 

This webinar will describe various methods and models for delivering Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) within mentoring programs. Panelists will discuss their programs’ use of SEL, including how they create their curriculum and train their mentors. They will also discuss how to involve mentors, mentees, parents and staff in curriculum development process.

Self-employed career practitioners: Tools and strategies to better manage your finances (CERIC and VRA Canada)

May 20, May 27 & June 3

Often career practitioners, like many Canadians, have very little understanding of finances, how credit works and of the potential impact on their financial well-being. This new webinar series, presented by Pamela George, will help career practitioners who are self-employed to enhance their learning on current personal financial management practices.

ACDC 2021 (Career Development Association of Alberta)

May 4-5

ACDC 2021: Leading the Way will bring together 300 career development and related professionals for two full days of learning, laughing and leading. It will feature keynotes from Dr. Nancy Arthur and Richard Bucher.

SEMM Forum 2021: Attracting, engaging and supporting students (Brainstorm Strategy Group)

May 5-6

The pace of change has made it difficult to reflect, learn and prepare for what’s next. Attend the SEMM Forum to quickly learn the best tactics and strategies for today.

Brainstorm is also hosting a Campus Recruiting Forum May 25-26.

2021 OCEA Conference (Ontario Cooperative Education Association)

May 10

This year’s virtual conference explores the timely theme of “Pathways to resiliency: Challenges and change.” Explore new and innovative programs within schools and boards across Ontario in experiential learning and co-operative education.

Workplace Wellbeing Strategies to Support Your Employees (HRD)

May 11

HRD presents a one-day virtual summit that will provide senior HR and well-being professionals in Canada with valuable insights on how to support the wellbeing of their workforces. Featuring case studies, panel discussions and workshops by HR leaders from top companies, this event offers practical guidance and inspiration for organizations.

New Thinking in Career Development: Contexts, Theory, and Practice (NICEC)

May 17

In a lightning-talk format, 10 of the authors of NICEC’s newly published Oxford Handbook of Career Development will offer a taste of their work with mini-presentations on topics including career assessment, Cultural Learning Theory and career development, and career development policy.

2021 APCDA Conference

May 19-29

All presentations will be in English for this international conference, with delegates from many Asian countries and regions as well as other parts of the world. Breakout sessions will be divided into four tracks:

  • Serving school populations (K-12)
  • Serving college students
  • Serving working or job seeking adults
  • Research on career issues
2021 CSSE Conference (Canadian Society for the Study of Education)

May 29-June 3

The Canadian Society for the Study of Education is the largest organization of professors, students, researchers and practitioners in education in Canada. The conference theme this year is “Northern Relations.”

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Lindsay Purchase Administrator
Lindsay Purchase is the Editor of CERIC’s CareerWise website and CareerWise Weekly newsletter. She has a background in journalism, having worked previously as a digital editor and reporter. Lindsay is a graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University’s Global Studies program and Toronto Metropolitan University’s Food Security certificate program.
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Lindsay Purchase Administrator
Lindsay Purchase is the Editor of CERIC’s CareerWise website and CareerWise Weekly newsletter. She has a background in journalism, having worked previously as a digital editor and reporter. Lindsay is a graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University’s Global Studies program and Toronto Metropolitan University’s Food Security certificate program.
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